

Pathway students set for success thanks to free laptops from Lenovo

January 17, 2025

Students in two of RRC Polytech’s Pathway programs — Pathway to Information Technology Programs and Pathway to Engineering Technology Programs — are starting their second term strong thanks to free technology from Lenovo.

“The financial cost of accessing technology like laptops can pose a barrier and make it difficult for some students entering a post-secondary program,” says Fred Meier, President and CEO, RRC Polytech.

“Lenovo is eliminating that barrier by ensuring students have their own technology they can use in and out of the classroom. This gift is already boosting each student’s confidence in their abilities, enabling them to pursue their chosen paths with the assurance that they are prepared to excel in both their future education and the workplace after graduation.”

As the winter term began, Warren Beleyowski, Account Executive from Lenovo, joined Pathway students for a visual demonstration of how they are integrating Indigenous perspectives into the field of engineering, providing them with a more sustainable approach to the industry.

The Lenovo Thinkpad X13 Gen 4 laptops were given to the students at the beginning of the Fall 2024 term; they will be able to keep them even after their programs come to an end this spring. The College’s Pathway programs are designed to equip Indigenous Manitobans with the support and skills needed to confidently transition into specific RRC Polytech programs. Read More →

College granted $24M to lead national network increasing entrepreneurship and research commercialization

January 15, 2025

RRC Polytech has been chosen to lead a national network of post-secondary institutions and collaborative partners to bring more academic research ideas to reality, support Indigenous business and drive economic growth.

As part of a national innovation strategy to increase entrepreneurship and research commercialization across Canada, the College has been awarded $24.1 million in federal funding over five years through a Lab to Market grant — becoming one of four network leaders to share in a total investment of $95.3 million.

Administered by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), in collaboration with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), this is the largest tri-council grant ever awarded to or led by a college in Canada.

“For over 20 years, RRC Polytech has been solving industry problems and training tomorrow’s future leaders through applied research, and today we are honoured to continue to build on our strengths as a polytechnic and lead this collaborative, nation-wide network through the largest ever tri-council investment in a college,” said Fred Meier, RRC Polytech’s President and CEO.

“Our shared goal is to find solutions for the challenges that all Canadians are facing. This network combines the unique abilities of researchers at colleges and universities and connects them directly with industry and community to accelerate innovation.”

The College-University Lab to Market Network for Entrepreneurship and Research Commercialization spans eight regional hubs from B.C. to Nova Scotia and brings together 38 post-secondary institutions, along with other collaborators — including RRC Polytech’s Mittohnee Pogo’ohtah, one of three Indigenous hubs. Read More →

RRC Polytech celebrates 20 years as industry’s gateway to applied research

November 26, 2024

RRC Polytech welcomed Manitobans to the Notre Dame Campus today, as part of the 20th anniversary celebration of its Research Partnerships & Innovation (RPI) enterprise.

A gateway to applied research since its establishment in 2004, RPI connects industry and community partners with RRC Polytech’s comprehensive array of facilities, technology and expertise in collaborative projects that bring innovative ideas to life.

As part of the event, guests toured RRC Polytech’s research labs and areas, saw demonstrations of its leading-edge technology and engaged with faculty, professional research staff and students to learn how applied research projects connect all areas of the College and are driving our province into the future.

“As Manitoba’s polytechnic, RRC Polytech is committed to creating change through innovation and using the knowledge and tools that we offer to benefit our communities and the industries that our graduates will soon be leading,” says Fred Meier, RRC Polytech’s President and CEO.

“Applied research projects drive progress while providing students with invaluable experience through work-integrated learning. We’re eager to build on the incredible success stories we’ve shared with our partners over the last 20 years and to explore new opportunities to find solutions for real-world challenges.”

With 135 researchers and more than 600 students directly involved annually, along with applied research training enabled by research infrastructure in more than 60 courses, RRC Polytech is consistently named a top research college in Canada.

The College’s three NSERC-funded Technology Access Centres (TACs) and other various research facilities and resources are focal points for advancing knowledge, fostering collaboration and accelerating commercialization — with thousands of square feet of space to develop, test and create solutions to support small, medium and large enterprises and communities. Read More →

New Simulation Centre a first for interdisciplinary education in Manitoba

November 18, 2024

Health-care education at RRC Polytech enters a new chapter today with the opening of its new Interdisciplinary Health and Community Services Simulation Centre. This facility, the first of its kind in Manitoba, will begin training the province’s future health leaders in January.

The Simulation Centre is a groundbreaking interdisciplinary facility that will revolutionize health-care training in Manitoba. It’s the first centre in Manitoba to focus on nursing, allied health professions and community services, with 16,630 square feet of state-of-the-art learning space at RRC Polytech’s Notre Dame Campus.

“The Simulation Centre will maximize education opportunities and provide immersive and collaborative training for our health and community care programs,” says Fred Meier, the College’s President and CEO. “As one of the largest trainers of health-care professionals in the province, this is an exciting new frontier in how we can better train and prepare students to be confident in their careers and make an impact in our communities throughout the province.

“Simulation is critical, as it ensures students in all programs have access to immediate experiential training opportunities vital to graduation, gaining experience that helps better prepare them for the clinical environment and being job ready on day one.”

Using state-of-the art, high-fidelity simulation equipment and live actors to create small- and large-scale activities and mock scenarios, the Simulation Centre will provide students from 13 programs with real-world experiences that mirror the realities they will face in the workplace. These training opportunities will equip them to fill vital and in-demand career roles in Manitoba’s health-care system from their first day on the job. Read More →

$15M gift launches new Schroeder Institute of Entertainment and Media Arts

September 12, 2024

Transformational gift — the largest in RRC Polytech’s history — positions the College to produce the talent and expertise vital to the continued success and growth of Manitoba’s creative industries.

For more than 70 years, creative thinkers have explored ideas and sharpened their skills at RRC Polytech. Today, a $15-million gift from the Schroeder Foundation paves the way for continued growth and opportunity in the creative arts for the College, its students and the province of Manitoba.

Creative industries are at the core of RRC Polytech, and they are growing in Manitoba thanks to a local talent pool that continues to thrive.

The Schroeder Institute of Entertainment and Media Arts has been created to support those industries — and the province — in reaching the next level in this period of growth by ensuring that a pipeline of newly skilled local talent continues to flow and fill crucial industry roles, while engaging more deeply with industry partners and undertaking exciting opportunities to foster innovation through applied research.

Manitoba is increasingly becoming more competitive in creative areas across the prairies, the country and beyond. More productions are being filmed in Winnipeg and throughout the province, and more creative businesses are opening their doors while local companies are making their mark beyond our borders. Local training and talent are crucial to the success of the businesses that choose to operate here, and that is where RRC Polytech — and the Schroeder Institute — come in.

Walter and Maria Schroeder, with RRC Polytech President Fred Meier, holding a thank-you plaque at event announcing RRC Polytech as the home of the new Schroeder Institute of Entertainment and Media Arts.“RRC Polytech and the Schroeder Foundation have a shared vision for the future and what we can make possible through education, collaboration and research,” says Fred Meier, the College’s President and CEO.

“The Schroeder Foundation’s decision to make this tremendous investment in RRC Polytech reflects that there are visionaries invested in our community who recognize the value of what we are doing here to support students on their way into careers in creative industries. This gift today will enable us to create so many more opportunities for Manitobans and our creative industries together.” Read More →

College signs SDG Accord; continues to lead in sustainable development

December 8, 2023

RRC Polytech has become the first post-secondary in Manitoba to the sign the SDG Accord, committing to embed the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into its education, research, leadership, operations, administration and engagement activities.

The 17 SDGs represent an ambitious call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. They align with the values in RRC Polytech’s strategic plan and directly support the College’s commitments.

“Our primary objective is training the workforce of today and tomorrow, so we are uniquely positioned to lead transformative change and build a more sustainable future — and the SDGs are a valuable tool to help us focus our efforts,” says RRC Polytech President Fred Meier.

“Sustainability is a journey without a final destination, so we’re prepared and excited to build on the current initiatives led by our Environmental Stewardship and Campus Renewal team and broaden our approach to include research, academics and all areas of College operations.”

The SDGs are a global blueprint for all people around the world to improve health and education, reduce inequality, spur economic growth and tackle climate change. They aim to achieve peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. While each goal has its own separate objective, they are indivisibly linked and interdependent.

“We can’t have good health and well-being without clean water, and we can’t have sustainable, inclusive communities without reducing inequality,” says Sustainability Specialist Stephanie Fulford. “So while the goals are ambitious, they reflect the scope of our global challenges, give us real targets to strive toward and a pathway to achieve them.”

“We also recognize that to achieve these goals will require all of us, in every sector of society, to work together — which is why formally signing the accord is so important.” Read More →

College extends president’s contract until 2028

December 8, 2023

Red River College Polytechnic’s Board of Governors (BOG) has announced its unanimous decision to extend the contract of President and CEO Fred Meier until July 2028.

“President Meier has surpassed the Board’s expectations in all he has accomplished since joining RRC Polytech,” says board Chair Loren Cisyk. “Extending his contract today ensures we will continue to build for the future with his strong, visionary leadership in place. We share our complete confidence in Mr. Meier’s ability to lead RRC Polytech forward as it strives to meet and exceed the needs of students and staff, as well as our partners in industry and the community.”

Since joining RRC Polytech in July 2020, Meier has been integral in charting a bold new path for the College. This includes rebranding the College to RRC Polytech, embracing its identity as Manitoba’s polytechnic, and creating its Strategic Plan 2022-2026: In Front of What’s Ahead.

This ambitious plan commits RRC Polytech to transform its learning models to amplify its impact across Manitoba, cements the College’s commitment towards Truth and Reconciliation and the pursuit of equity, diversity and inclusion in everything it does, and focuses its efforts on deepening partnerships to maximize prosperity across industry and community.

Through Meier’s leadership, RRC Polytech has taken many necessary and meaningful steps towards advancing the goals of the strategic plan, including a 98 per cent completion rate of RRC Polytech’s Comprehensive Campaign, In Front of What’s Ahead.

Thanks to the support of generous donors and industry partners, gifts are making a direct impact for today’s learners and will allow the College to create more supports and programs to help future students achieve success — from new and increased scholarships and bursaries, to the donation of computers, the launch of a new mentorship program for Indigenous learners, and the opening of the Centre for Newcomer Integration and the Price Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics. Read More →

Longtime RRC Polytech donors celebrated on National Philanthropy Day

November 15, 2023

As part of National Philanthropy Day celebrations, longtime RRC Polytech donors Walter and Maria Schroeder are being recognized for supporting organizations, institutions and individuals — in Manitoba and throughout Canada — with the 2023 Association of Fundraising Professionals’ Manitoba Outstanding Philanthropist Award.

RRC Polytech and the University of Manitoba co-nominated the duo — founders of The Schroeder Foundation, a Canadian charitable organization — in recognition of their dedication to Winnipeg youth.

“Walter and Maria Schroeder’s work has truly been transformative, and today RRC Polytech is so proud to celebrate their contributions to our community as Manitoba’s 2023 Outstanding Philanthropists,” says RRC Polytech president Fred Meier.

“The Schroeder Foundation has awarded hundreds of full post-secondary scholarships to institutions in Winnipeg — including more than 180 to RRC Polytech — which include tuition, books and wrap-around supports.

“Schroeder Foundation students now also have the opportunity to participate in RRC Polytech’s Transition to College program, which helps them start their programs with the knowledge and confidence they need to succeed on day one.”

Every year, the Schroeder Foundation donates millions of dollars to organizations, with a focus on improving health care, providing economic education, and empowering youth and Indigenous communities across the country. The Foundation currently invests more than $3 million annually in Winnipeg alone. Read More →

College’s new Price Institute launches first courses in Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics

November 2, 2023

RRC Polytech and Siemens, a global digital technology leader, have partnered to deliver the first courses and programs available to Manitobans through the College’s new Price Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics.

The Level 1 Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification program — the first of its kind in Manitoba — is accepting registrations and is open to recent graduates of RRC Polytech’s manufacturing programs, as well as workers in the manufacturing industry who are looking to upskill and reskill. Students who complete the Level 1 program will also have the opportunity to enrol in Level 2 later in 2024.

“The Price Institute was established to meet the emerging needs of Manitoba’s manufacturing sector by providing opportunities for students and those currently employed in the sector to access leading-edge training and applied research,” says Fred Meier, President and CEO, RRC Polytech.

“These first offerings from the Price Institute present an exciting first step in answering the call for training that advances technology adoption across all areas of manufacturing and embeds Industry 4.0 concepts.”

Alongside the first offering of the Siemens program in Manitoba, the Price Institute will offer a suite of micro-credentials starting later this fall with an Introduction to Ethical Hacking and more offerings beginning in 2024 that include Cloud Computing, Data Analysis and Intro to IT Automation.

“Finding and retaining skilled talent is a priority for industries across the country,” says Joris Myny, Senior Vice-President, Digital Industries, Siemens Canada.

“To meet this demand, it is crucial that the tools, opportunities and networks are made available to students and to a current workforce looking to upskill. We congratulate RRC Polytech on the establishment of the Price Institute, and look forward to partnering in support of industry in Manitoba.”

The Manitoba chapter of Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters (CME) reported having 2,130 job vacancies in the third quarter of 2022, citing a shortage of advanced skills. These initial and future offerings through the Price Institute are essential to upskilling and reskilling to narrow the skills gap in this vital sector in Manitoba’s economy.

While these offerings are just the beginning, they represent the leading-edge subject matter and collaboration between industry and academia that Dr. Gerry Price envisioned would occur at the Price Institute.

For more information on RRC Polytech’s Institute of Advanced Manufacturing and Mechatronics, visit

To register and learn more about the Price Institute’s Siemens Mechatronics Systems and Certification program or our upcoming micro-credentials, visit

College to celebrate partnerships with new alumni-focused co-op campaign

October 25, 2023

RRC Polytech is looking for a diverse group of employers to participate in an exciting new co-operative advertising opportunity. Launching in Spring 2024, the College’s Polytechnic Proud campaign will showcase employers and RRC Polytech graduates who excel in their workplaces and beyond.

Any organization with an RRC Polytech grad on their payroll, in their volunteer ranks, or on their Board of Directors, is invited to apply to participate.

The Polytechnic Proud campaign will feature RRC Polytech alumni who are in front of what’s ahead in their sectors, while showcasing the phenomenal partnerships the College has built with employers across the province. Nominations are open now and employers can submit applications until Nov. 24, 2023.

“As Manitoba’s only polytechnic, the relationships we’ve built with Manitoba employers, along with the RRC Polytech alumni who work for them, is something we cherish,” says Fred Meier, RRC Polytech’s President and CEO.

“This creative, co-operative marketing campaign will highlight not only our strategic partnerships but also the successes of our graduates, as well as the incredible diversity of our alumni community.”

The Polytechnic Proud campaign will put front and centre the exceptional education the College provides in a wide range of disciplines and sectors. RRC Polytech plays a vital role in helping grads achieve career success with fantastic organizations; the new campaign will aim to capture examples of that success.

RRC Polytech alumni are known throughout the province and around the world for driving innovation, being work-ready, and possessing the skills required to become leaders in their chosen fields. The new campaign is the perfect vehicle for celebrating not only the College’s alumni, but also its partnerships with employers that are shaping the future of Manitoba.

To learn more, including how employers who proudly hire RRC Polytech graduates can apply to take part in the campaign, visit

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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