
Community Outreach

Welcome Party for Immigrant & International Students: Friday, November 22

October 21, 2013

Please join us on Friday, November 22 from 6:00pm to 9:00pm in the Voyageur Restaurant at the Notre Dame Campus to celebrate the annual Welcome Party for Immigrant and International Students. Take part in celebrating diversity and extending a warm College welcome to our immigrant and international students.

As we are celebrating diversity, we welcome you to share your traditions and come dressed in cultural clothing, and dressed for a party! Please bring a donation of non-perishable food items (canned food) for the RRC Student Food Bank. This is a College-wide and family-friendly event; everyone is welcome to bring family, children and friends.

This year’s party features live music and entertainment including performances by Punjab Dancers from India, South American band, Descarga Latina, African drummer, Evans Coffie and Cuban dance group, Yoslai de la Rosa. Take part in fun activities for children including arts and crafts, face painting and balloons. Participate in educational games and cultural teachings brought to you by RRC’s Aboriginal Student Support and Community Liaison Department. Enjoy lots of dancing and sample global cuisine.

Please register by Friday, November 15. To register, please find the attached invite and visit the on-line link:

If you have any questions please contact, Lauren Konrad, Student Integration Coordinator at 204.631.3345 or

This event is organized by the Diversity and Immigrant Student Support department, with additional sponsorship from the International Education office and the RRC Students’ Association.

RRC Marks National Trucking Week in Manitoba

September 6, 2013


Red River College’s Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre (HETC).

Red River College wishes to recognize the Manitoba Trucking Association and its members during National Trucking Week in Canada.

“Red River College works closely with the trucking industry in Manitoba to ensure we provide training opportunities to drive the economy and provide a qualified workforce,” said Stephanie Forsyth, president of RRC. “We want to recognize National Trucking Week and applaud the Manitoba Trucking Association and its members during this celebratory week.”

In 2009, RRC opened its innovative Heavy Equipment Transportation Centre (HETC), which offers training in the areas of Heavy Duty Equipment Mechanics, Truck and Transport Mechanics, and Transport Trailer Technician. The facility has provided the College with increased enrolment opportunities in the heavy duty and transport trade programs.

HETC also supports Manitoba’s growing green-energy economy by affording opportunities for conducting applied research and advanced training in leading-edge technologies such as biodiesel, ethanol, hydrogen and electric hybrids, hydrogen fuel cells, and emissions and cold-weather testing. Read More →

RRC Chefs, Culinary Grads Serve Up Support for Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg

August 21, 2013

Photo courtesy the Winnipeg Boys & Girls Clubs.

Photo courtesy the Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg.

Alumni and staff from RRC’s Culinary Arts program will take part in next month’s 100-Mile Dinner in support of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg.

The fall charity bash, taking place Sept. 8 at the Caboto Centre on Wilkes Avenue, features an impressive lineup of local chefs, including RRC staffers Luc Jean and Jonny Royal, and culinary grads Adam Donnelly (head chef and co-owner of Segovia Tapas Bar & Restaurant) and Mark Teague (head chef at Sydney’s at The Forks).

The chefs will join other culinary stars  — including reps from Peasant Cookery, Deer + Almond, and Bistro 7 and 1/4 — to serve up a mouthwatering meal made of fresh, seasonal and locally-grown ingredients found within 100 miles of Winnipeg.

RRC Hospitality instructor Janet Townsend and current students from that program will also lend their support, providing front-of-house service at the event.

Now in its third year, the 100-Mile Dinner raises funds for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Winnipeg, which provide after-school, athletic, educational and leadership opportunities for more than 4,100 disadvantaged children and youth in Winnipeg.

Individual tickets are $125 each; to order, email, or call 204.982.4940.

RRC Raises Produce for Project Benefiting Winnipeg Harvest

August 6, 2013

Gord-McLeodRed River College is pleased to be participating for the first time in Winnipeg Harvest’s Grow-A-Row Project.

The initiative’s roots date back to 1986, when Winnipeggers Ron and Eunice O’Donovan produced more potatoes in their backyard garden than they could consume. Their vegetables were so well received by Winnipeg Harvest, the O’Donovans encouraged friends and neighbours to donate their surplus produce, too. Since then, Grow-A-Row has yielded millions of pounds of fresh fruit and veggies.

At RRC, the project is being led by Gord McLeod (shown, at left) and his Pavement & Grounds team. In between weed-whacking, mowing and other regular duties, staff and student employees take time from their schedules to tend to the garden and its bounty.

The 30′ x 60′ plot is located between the West Parking Lot and the old Greenhouse.

“Six weeks ago this was just a grassy area,” says McLeod of the space. “We tilled it and added 12 cubic yards of compost from our on-site compost pile to get the soil nice and healthy.”

The team then planted russet potatoes and carrot seeds, and in a matter of weeks, the garden had sprouted. Harvest is expected to take place in late September; during that time, staff and students will be invited to participate in a harvest-picking party.

“This is a great project for many reasons,” says Nancy Alexander, Vice-President of Human Resource Services and Sustainability at RRC. “It supports the College’s values of sustainability and wellness and strengthens our connection to the community. I want to thank Gord and his team for their work on ‘grow-a-row’ and look forward to expanding the project in years to come.”

Students and staff who’ve spent the summer months tending to their own gardens can participate in Grow-A-Row by dropping off fruit and veggies at Winnipeg Harvest from Monday to Saturday.

Youth Recreation Activity Worker Program Honours Class of 2013

June 10, 2013

youth recreation grad_2013Graduates of RRC’s Youth Recreation Activity Worker program gathered to celebrate their achievements last Friday, at a special event held to showcase their contributions to the community.

On Friday, June 7, the program’s graduating class met at RRC’s Roblin Centre to pay tribute to each others’ achievements, and to mark the College’s 12th year of making a difference in the lives of inner city youth.

“Congratulations to all of the Youth Recreation Activity Worker program graduates,” said lead instructor Kerry Coulter. “You have already affected the lives of so many youth in a positive way and I know you will continue to have a huge impact in our community and with each individual child you are yet to meet.”

The program, which trains participants to work with inner city youth, was launched in response to increased demand for drop-in programming at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg. Building on existing materials from RRC’s Child and Youth Care program, the College developed a 10-month certificate program to train a new generation of young adults to serve as recreational leaders.

Graduates of the program, many of whom face socio-economic barriers themselves, often go on to find jobs with Boys and Girls Clubs and other inner city youth agencies, or as childhood educators and teachers’ aides.

Last week’s event was attended by a number of politicians and community leaders, including Mayor Sam Katz, Premier Greg Selinger, and Boys and Girls Clubs President Ron Brown.

Click here to learn more about the program, which is open to students aged 18 to 29.

RRC Named Best Walking Group at 2013 Pride Parade

June 10, 2013

Pride 2013

A heartfelt thank-you — and an equally heartfelt congratulations — to everyone who took part in Red River College’s entry in the 2013 Pride Winnipeg Parade on June 2.

Approximately 60 students and staff members, together with friends and family, donned bright red RRC t-shirts while walking the parade route in support of Manitoba’s LGBTT community.

As a result of their enthusiasm (and possibly all the free frisbees they handed out!), Red River College won the “Best Walking Group” award from Pride Parade organizers.

Click here to see a gallery of photos from the event.

Dental Assisting Grads Gear Up for Clinical Mission to Guatemala

May 23, 2013

RRC Team 2013

From left: Dental Assisting grads Chelsea Bezditny, Katharina Seibel, Kaitlyn Bezditny, Jillian O’Donnell and Lee-Anne Sabourin.

Dental Assisting graduates from Red River College’s Winkler Campus are gearing up for a summer trip to Guatemala, where they’ll provide free clinical care for local residents in five different locations.

As part of their fifth annual summer mission to the region, five recent RRC grads (now registered dental assistants), as well as a dentist, a dental therapist, and a dental instructor from the College, will provide free dental care to approximately 2,540 Guatemalans — double the number they provided care for during their last trip in 2012.

This year’s team will spend a day and a half attending to locals at San Marcos Church, before travelling to Nuevo Chuatuj, La Felicidad and San Martin Chile Verde in subsequent days. The trip takes place June 30 to July 10; students have been fundraising for months to offset their travel costs.

“Past team members have personally gained a lot from their experiences, and feel blessed by having worked with the people they encountered,” says Athena Wilford, Dental Assisting Coordinator at Winkler Campus. “In spite of poverty and meagre living conditions, the people we met were very gracious.” Read More →

RRC Staffer Recognized as Outstanding Support for those with Intellectual Disabilities

May 3, 2013


Linley James (second from right), with Christine Crowe (Vice-President, Community Development, RRC), Tom Trottier (RRC Recycling Team), and Lori Walkow (RRC Student Services and Community Development Services)

The purchasing agent for RRC’s Paterson GlobalFoods Institute has been recognized for his role in supporting those with intellectual disabilities as they find and maintain meaningful employment in the community.

RRC staffer Linley James received the “Outstanding Natural Support” award at this week’s Sweet Success 2013 reception, hosted by Connect Employment Services to honour the achievements of Connect clients and supports over the past year.

In his prior role as Supervisor of Campus Services at the Roblin Centre in the Exchange District, James worked closely with members of RRC’s Recycling Team, supporting them in their day-to-day tasks and researching products and equipment used in the course of their duties.

The Sweet Success reception, held Thursday at the University of Manitoba, included a dessert-tasting and auction, and was attended by the Rt. Hon. Ed Schreyer, former Manitoba premier and governor general of Canada. The event was presented by Connect Employment Services and the Workers Compensation Board of Manitoba.

Pilot Program Encourages Youth to Consider a Career in Skilled Trades

May 1, 2013

MTL May 1 2013

Education Minister Nancy Allan (left) and Winnipeg Construction Association President Ron Hambly (centre) look on as Elmwood High School student Samuel Lopez and carpentry instructor Frank Jess build a toolbox in one of RRC’s Mobile Training Labs.

Red River College and Manitoba Education are helping to boost trades training through a pilot project that provides Winnipeg youth a hands-on introduction to the trades.

The pilot program provides up to 25 students in Grades 7 and 8 the opportunity to “try out” the type of work typically done by electricians, carpenters and welders. Students from Elmwood High School are attending Red River College once a week for three weeks, to learn about career options in the trades.

“The pilot program is intended to expose young people to the trades as a viable career option,” says Stephanie Forsyth, President, Red River College. “One of the ways to get more young people interested in the trades is to give them more hands-on experience, and help them identify a skill they would love to acquire.”

According to Skills Canada, over the next two decades employers in Canada will find it difficult to hire and retain skilled workers. However, a Statistics Canada survey in 2009 showed just 26% of young people aged 13 to 24 plan to consider a career in the skilled trades.

“The future of Manitoba is being trained here today. These students are gaining valuable experience through hands-on learning,” says Education Minister Nancy Allan. “Projects like these expose students to new potential career opportunities that will lead to good jobs and build our province.” Read More →

New Bursary Provides Tuition for those Transitioning out of Provincial Care

April 26, 2013

Youth who grew up in the child welfare system will have the opportunity to attend Red River College tuition-free this fall. The special bursaries will remove one of many barriers that typically see less than five percent of youth in care pursue a post-secondary education.

“Transitioning out of care can be very challenging for many youth—especially financially,” says Stephanie Forsyth, RRC President. “The prospect of student loans and debts may prevent capable students from receiving a post-secondary education. Red River College is delighted to be able to remove that worry for a number of students.”

There are more than 9,500 children and youth in care in Manitoba, with the majority being First Nations and Métis. Typically, once youth in care turn 18 they leave the child welfare system and must fend for themselves. With few supports available, many will find themselves on social assistance or even homeless.

“Youth raised in foster care face unique challenges once they leave the system,” says Jay Rodgers, CEO, General Child and Family Services Authority. “By waiving the tuition fee, Red River College is giving these young people the opportunity for a much brighter future through education and inspiring hope.”

A handful of RRC students have already received a Youth in Care bursary. With the program becoming permanent as of this fall, a minimum of 20 youth in care per year, selected by a child and family services authority, will be eligible to attend the College on a bursary. They will remain on an extension of care with their authority and have their living expenses covered up to the age of 21, so long as they remain students of the College and take a minimum 60 percent course load.

Students must meet regular entrance requirements. Tuition will be fully covered by revenue generated from the College’s Youth in Care bursary endowment fund, which recently received a $100,000 private donation. The College intends to fundraise $1 million to support the program on a permanent basis.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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