The following resources provide a brief snapshot of the information available on the ITS Help Resources website. This page is intended to provide you with helpful tools, suggestions, and advice to get you started at RRC Polytech. If you require assistance from the ITS department, please see the ITS Service Desk website to submit a Service Desk ticket.
You can scroll through all of these introductory topics or click the following links to navigate directly to the area you need help with:
For helpful password information and troubleshooting tips as well as instructions for claiming your RRC Polytech account for the first time, please see the Student password help resources webpage.
For additional password help and support, you can also see the Passwords topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage, or navigate directly to the following pages:
To watch a short video that demonstrates and describes the procedure for changing your College password, please see the Changing your College password video.
HUB is home to all your College resources and is the first point of contact for RRC Polytech students. It provides a centralized location for all your College needs. All RRC Polytech students have access to HUB, but your access to HUB resources is based on your unique program requirements.
For detailed information on using and customizing HUB, you can see the HUB topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage and explore the following pages:
To watch a video that provides a brief overview of HUB, please see the What is HUB video.
Student mailboxes are deleted 180 days (6 months) after the last class attended (unless you start attending another class before the time period of 180 days is over). Your Office 365 account is deleted along with the mailbox.
If you subsequently register for classes, your email account will be reactivated. If your mailbox had any contents when it was deactivated, however, they may no longer be available.
In addition to providing answers to general Student Email FAQ, the Student Email topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage provides detailed instructions for getting the most out of Outlook. Visit this resource to learn about topics including the following:
The Student Printing topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage contains information about installing College printers on your personal devices, as well as valuable information about your PaperCut account.
Please see the Install a College printer on your device webpage for detailed instructions on installing College networked printers on your personal tablet or laptop.
The Connect to Red River College wireless webpage is your one‑stop source for all your RRC Polytech wireless questions. Whether you need general information about wireless locations, connecting to the network, configuring your device, or forgetting the network after you change your password, this webpage has the answers.
This webpage includes highly detailed device‑specific instructions for connecting, configuring, and forgetting the network on Windows, Mac, and Android platforms. You also can explore this page for troubleshooting tips, FAQ, and network support locations.
You can revisit this page at any time in the Wireless Network topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage.
RRC Polytech uses PaperCut print management software, which allows you to install, access, and use College networked printers on your personal tablet or laptop. The PaperCut software also provides convenient 24/7 access to your detailed account balance and transaction history.
You can log on to your PaperCut account using your College user name and password. Please see the Student Printing topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage to explore the following PaperCut pages:
Each student is provided with access to Office 365—Microsoft’s cloud‑based applications and services. Your Office 365 access includes the following:
For detailed information, please see the Office 365 topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage.
Your College‑issued Office 365 access includes 1 TB of cloud‑based OneDrive storage. You can set up OneDrive on any computer using your College log on credentials and access your files anywhere there is an Internet connection. To set up your OneDrive folder, refer to the Set up OneDrive Help Resources page for directions.
You can also see the Office 365 topic on the ITS Help Resources webpage for information about sharing and copying files in OneDrive, using OneDrive on a nonprimary computer, and obtaining help and training with Office 365 products.
Teams is a cloud‑based chat and collaboration workspace in Microsoft Office 365. Team members have access to all the documents and conversations within a team. Conversations and chats within Teams can be formal or informal and dynamic or cooperative. Teams is updated regularly as part of the added functionality updates provided by Microsoft.
Please see the Teams page to find out more.
Webex is today’s leading enterprise solution for video and web conferencing. This secure software‑based platform for video and audio conferencing, business messaging, and webinar hosting helps organizations be more productive. Participants can join from any browser, device, or system—just by answering the telephone.
Please see the Webex page to find out more.
Payments and Profile is the College’s online service that provides you with 24‑hour access to your personal and College‑related information. This is sometimes referred to as Self Serve.
Some of the tools you can access using Payments and Profile include the following:
The ITS Service Desk website is the College’s first point of contact for technical issues and requests. The ITS Service Desk team will resolve your issue or forward it to the right people who can provide you with the help you need.
Please see the ITS Service Desk website to receive up‑to‑date information and alerts, browse self‑help links, search the College’s knowledge base for answers to your specific questions, or submit a Service Desk ticket to receive help from an ITS team member.
To watch a short video that outlines your College IT support options, please see the Getting help with your College IT resources video.
All RRC Polytech students must read, and abide by, the intent and content of the following information technology policies:
The ITS Help Resources webpage has more than 180 self‑help topics designed to help you find solutions to common IT issues. Some of the IT support topics you can explore include the following, and ITS adds new webpages all the time:
To watch a short video that outlines your College IT support options, please see the Getting help with your College IT resources video.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.