Standards & Codes
Do you need a standard or code? You may have free access through an RRC Polytech Library database subscription. Find them on the Library and Academic Services website under Databases.

ASHRAE – Techstreet ASHRAE is a society of heating, refrigerating, and air-conditioning engineers that shape industry through research. This database gives access to their books, standards, and guidelines. A limited number of standards are available through the library’s subscription.

ASTM develops and publishes technical standards for a wide range of materials, products, systems, and services. The Compass database gives full-text access to the ASTM Book of Standards, Research Reports, and related material.

Chartered Professional Accountants Handbook
Subscription to the CPA Canada Standards and Guidance Collection (CPACHB).

A comprehensive selection of CSA Group’s more than 3,000 published standards & codes.
Includes technical and management standards to improve safety, health, the environment, and economic efficiency in Canada and beyond.

A database of e-books covering a variety of engineering subjects. Includes a variety of engineering, electrical, mechanical, construction codes, standards, and guides.

National Research Council Codes
Access to the National Building Code of Canada, National Fire Code of Canada, National Plumbing Code of Canada, National Energy Code of Canada, and more.
Since the start of COVID, codes and users guides published by the National Research Council of Canada are available directly through the NRC Publications Archive in free electronic format.
Written by Bettina Allen, Reference & Circulation Coordinator