Man working on vehicle in shop

Work-Integrated Learning

Work-Integrated Learning Information for Employers

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) is a form of curricular experiential education that formally integrates a student’s academic studies with quality experiences within a workplace or practice setting. WIL experiences include an engaged partnership of at least: an academic institution, a host organization, and a student.

WIL helps build rewarding partnerships between RRC Polytech and industry and community partners, who benefit from enthusiastic, skilled workers who are ready to contribute, while students gain practical work experience.

Our Coordinators are ready to assist your organization in hosting student work experiences as an employer partner.

Benefits of Work-Integrated Learning

  • Access diversely-talented, highly motivated students who are well trained in their discipline and ready to enter the workforce.
  • Are an ideal resource to fill temporary human resource needs, such as staff leaves and short-term or seasonal projects.
  • Gives you regular input into industry-responsive College curricula.
  • Develops internal leadership through supervision, mentorship, and coaching to enthusiastic learners.
  • Helps train your workforce and can be used to support permanent positions.

Types of Work-Integrated Learning

WIL can occur at the course or program level and includes the development of student learning objectives and outcomes related to employability, agency, knowledge and skill mobility and life-long learning. There are several different types of WIL that RRC Polytech offers:

Co-operative Education

  • Full-time, paid work term(s) offering students a structured approach that integrates their studies with work experience in a related field.
    • Co-op Alternating: Consists of alternating academic terms and paid work term(s).
    • Co-op Internship: Consists of a paid work term after all academic coursework has been completed.
  • Paid experience.
  • Full-time, full term. The number of required work terms varies by program.

Field Placement

  • Intensive part-time/short-term placements and work-related experiences that prepare students for professional or occupational fields but are not required for a professional license.
  • Paid and unpaid experiences.
  • Varies in length and required hours.

Mandatory Professional Practice

  • Work arrangements required for a professional license or designation (clinical, practicum, preceptorship).
  • Paid and unpaid experiences.
  • Varies in length and required hours.

Community and Industry Research Projects (CIRPs)

  • Projects integrating academic studies with real-world challenges through collaboration between an academic course and a community/industry partner.
  • Paid and unpaid experiences.
  • Varies in length and required hours, may be used as a term long project, or a smaller assignment that covers one unit or a few topics in a course.

Service Learning

  • A range of activities intended to provide equal benefit to the service provider (the student) and the recipient (the community) while maintaining a focus on learning.
  • Unpaid experience.
  • Varies in length, depending on the project or program, can range from short-term to a full-term commitment.

Steps to Partner with RRC Polytech

  1. Let us know about the Work-Integrated Learning opportunity
    Email to discuss your WIL opportunity or create an account and post the WIL opportunity on Career Bridge.
  2. We’ll work with you to ensure it’s a good fit
    A WIL Coordinator from program area will work with your business or organization to ensure the opportunity meets the needs of the program.
  3. Students can apply or be placed with your organization
    Once your posting is approved for the WIL term, WIL students can either apply for your opportunity or be placed with your organization.
  4. We’ll provide confirmation of the partnership
    Receive confirmation of the WIL partnership.

Programs and Timelines

WIL Coordinators are available to discuss WIL participation and partnerships. RRC Polytech runs three academic terms per year.

Student in the WorkplacePost Your Positions
May – August
(Spring term)
January – April
September – December
(Fall term)
May – August
January – April
(Winter term)
September – December

Note: For more information about our Work-Integrated Learning programs, get in touch with us today.

Business and Management

ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Business AccountancyCo-opPaid16 weeks  
Business Accountancy and ManagementField PlacementPaid or Unpaid3 weeks
Business ManagementCo-opPaid16 weeks 
Hospitality and Tourism ManagementCo-opPaid16 weeks
International BusinessField PlacementPaid or Unpaid6 weeks

Community Services

ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Child and Youth CareField PlacementUnpaid4 months
Disability and Community SupportField PlacementPaid or Unpaid6 months, 2 days per week
Early Childhood EducationPracticumPaid or Unpaid15 weeks / 8 weeks
Social Innovation and Community DevelopmentService LearningUnpaid5-6 weeks


ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Culinary ArtsCo-opPaid16 weeks
Professional Baking and PastryCo-opPaid16 weeks

Engineering and Construction Technologies

ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Architectural TechnologyCo-opPaid16 weeks
Civil Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid24 weeks
May – Oct.
Construction ManagementCo-opPaid24 weeks
May – Oct.
Electrical Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid16 weeks
Electronic Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid16 weeks
Environmental Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid24 weeks
Geomatics TechnologyCo-opPaid24 weeks
Instrumentation and Control Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid16 weeks 
Mechanical Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid16 weeks
Municipal Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid24 weeks
Structural Engineering TechnologyCo-opPaid24 weeks

Health Sciences

ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Dental AssistingField PlacementUnpaid3 weeks
Science Laboratory TechnologyCo-opPaid15 weeks

Information Technology

ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Application Development and DeliveryCo-op or ProjectPaid or Unpaid15 weeks
Data Science and Machine LearningCo-op or ProjectPaid or Unpaid15 weeks
Full Stack Web DevelopmentCo-op or ProjectPaid or Unpaid16 weeks
Game DevelopmentCo-op or ProjectPaid or Unpaid12 weeks
Information SecurityCo-op or ProjectPaid or Unpaid15 weeks
IT OperationsCo-op or ProjectPaid or Unpaid15 weeks 

Transportation Technology

ProgramType$DurationMay – Aug.Sept. – Dec.Jan. – Apr.
Automotive TechnicianField PlacementUnpaid3 weeks
Automotive TechnologyField PlacementUnpaid4 weeks
Collision Repair and RefinishingField PlacementUnpaid3 weeks
Heavy Duty Equipment MechanicField PlacementUnpaid3 weeks
Marine and Powersports TechnicianField PlacementUnpaid3 weeks
Truck Transport TechnologyField PlacementUnpaid4 weeks

Key Components of a Work-Integrated Learning Partnership

WIL placements are developed and approved as suitable learning experiences by the College and give students an opportunity to develop their skills related to their academic discipline. With the support of the WIL Coordinator, industry and community partners provide supervision and mentorship, and evaluate the student at the end of the work term.

Placement Confirmation

Industry and community partners will receive confirmation of placement email. This message will include:

  • Confirmation of student and employer information relevant to the WIL placement
  • Program specific WIL placement requirements including term dates and minimum hours worked, as well as employer evaluation information.
  • Overview of WIL partner responsibilities and approximate timelines of WIL Coordinator touch points throughout the term.
  • Tax incentive information & SWPP information if applicable. This email should act as the institutional letter for application for Tax incentives and SWPP programs.
  • A link to the WIL Student Expectations, Responsibilities and Supports webpage.

Commitments as an Industry and Community Partner

  • Provide the student with role expectations
  • Schedule hours to suit organizational needs and academic requirements
  • Support student’s professional and personal growth through supervision, mentorship, and feedback to students
  • Participate in employer site visits
  • Complete evaluation of student performance for final assessment
  • Provide feedback to the College to further enhance the quality of WIL offerings
  • Comply with RRC Polytech’s Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment policy

Recruiting Ethics

RRC Polytech follows CEWIL Recruiting Ethics.

WIL Student Expectations and Responsibilities

The WIL Coordinator will monitor student progress throughout the WIL placement. Students are required to comply with RRC Polytech’s standards and expectations during their placement.

For more information, see WIL Student Expectations and Responsibilities.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.