Health Minds Healthy College

Campus Well-Being

News and Events

Burn the Blues!

January 27, 2012

Hello from Red River College’s Winkler Campus! More specifically, from the Administrative Assistant program here at the Winkler Campus. To help our Campus shake off those post-Christmas winter blues we threw an event on January 23, 2011 called Burn the Blues.

Now what is Burn the Blues, you ask? Good question! We designed the event around the idea of beating the winter blues. January is one of the most depressing months of the year, and we wanted to cheer up our fellow students. Wellness and inspiring others to be active and think about healthy choices was something we wanted to incorporate, and so Burn the Blues was born!

It was a great chance for all the students in Winkler (about 75) to mingle with each other, enjoy some smoothies, and win some free stuff. There’s was also great information about:

  • being active in winter
  • how different foods affect your mood

Not only that, students experienced a short, low-impact workout with a Tyson method trainer.

We want to thank Keith Doerksen (RRC Winkler Regional Manager) and Linda Fehr (our wonderful Event Planning instructor) for helping us make the event a possibility and a success!

 Submitted by Karla Penner, Winkler Campus


Adopt better sleeping habits

January 27, 2012

We’ve all been told that getting eight hours of sleep is the key to being alert, productive, and healthy – but how many of us actually get it? Sleep is a supremely precious commodity which many people tend to sacrifice for work, school, and even our personal lives (after-hours work functions, kids, your favourite late night talk show?).

According to WebMD, sleep deprivation can hurt learning, cause accidents, lead to depression, forgetfulness, and even cause you to gain weight.

Thankfully, has a great series of web videos with information on what prevents us from getting a good night’s rest, and tips we can try to increase the amount of sleep we get per night, and even how to sleep better.

One suggestion was to try out “bedtime yoga”, which can help beat stress and insomnia:

Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

The World of Educational Blogs – Part 1

January 25, 2012

The educational blogosphere is an interesting and ever-expanding place to find information about teaching, educational technology, and all the other stuff that we do at the College.  Here are a few blogs / educational websites that I’ve found to be useful and informative because they funnel information from a variety of sources.

Inside Higher Ed  is a US focused educational website that serves as a news hub and blogging headquarters.  The inside higher ed blogs (under the BlogU tab) cover many different facets of education –  including teaching, administration, sustainability, and educational technology – to name a few. 

Engaging Educators is dedicated to teaching and educational technology. It is updated regularly with interesting opinion pieces, spotlights on educational technology, and links to other interesting blogs and websites. It also provides a good window to quality educational content that is referenced via Twitter.

University Affairs is primarily a university-focused blog. It is also the one Canadian blog / website on this list featuring some interesting thoughts and articles related to education in our country. 

What  other educational blogs and/or websites would you add to this list?

Submitted by Mike Krywy, Research and Planning

Wellness resources are only a click away

January 24, 2012

Whether we’re 25 or 75, everyone needs wellness.

While our fitness goals and needs might change as we get older, staying healthy is the number one tool you can use to help in the prevention of health problems down the line.

In order to help provide wellness resources to all Manitobans at every age level, the Province has created a great portal in their Manitoba Healthy Living, Youth and Seniors website.  It links to all their different healthy living initiatives, from information about infant nutrition to promoting age-friendly options for seniors, and even the latest in provincial wellness news.

One initiative that really stands out is Manitoba in Motion, whose tagline reads “Physical Activity – do it for life!”.  You may recognize this initiative from the mini-videos they play on TV, featuring CTV’s Maralee Caruso and Gord Leclerc, but the model of the strategy really focuses on providing different health options for Manitobans of any age – children, youth, adults, older adults, and families. They’ve also developed three really great programs to help encourage group participation in getting healthy:

Want to get your workplace, community, or child’s school thinking healthier? Sign up! Each program provides users with ideas, resources, and support to help develop wellness plans and strategies.
Sometimes, working towards health goals as a group can often be more successful than trying to do it on your own. Need help? Don’t be afraid to use resources to help you – that’s what they’re there for!

 Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

Blog-o-mania is running wild!

January 20, 2012

Due to popular demand, two additional blogging workshops – both Blogging 101 and 201 – have been added.  The two blogging training sessions cover the basics of blogging and how to use the WordPress blogging platform. The first session is an introduction to what blogs are (chalk and talk), while for Blogging 201 you will be in front of the computer creating your own blog post (hands-on).

Blogging regularly can be a great way to improve your writing and share your thoughts and opinions on various subjects. And if you’re interested in blogging but don’t know where to start, writing an occasional post for the Wellness blog could be a good opportunity for you. 


Blogging 101 covers topics like:

  • Why you should blog
  • Types of blog posts
  • Getting the most out of your blog

When: January 31, 12pm-1pm
Where: Notre Dame Campus – E305


Blogging 201 gets into the technical details including:

  • Using the WordPress blogging platform
  • How to add links, photos and videos to your post
  • Moderating comments

When: February 15, 12pm-1pm
Where: Notre Dame Campus – Room A115


Register for the sessions soon as space is limited.


In the Garden

January 19, 2012

Calling all photographers – do you have some great photos to share?

The Wellness Committee is beginning a blog series of interesting photos taken by staff and students.  First up is Karen Press, an instructor from the Creative Communications program.  She’s an avid nature photographer with a great eye for hidden beauty.  If you’d like to submit your own photo and a brief caption about your art – send it along to


The wind and snow make me wistful. I miss my garden. As a hobbyist photographer, I don’t have much equipment and I just “go to the light,” which makes the garden a perfect subject.


Carrots... hanging on the laundry line

Chive flowers

Chive flowers

You can see more on my Flickr stream.

Submitted by Karen Press, Creative Communications instructor

Sign up for fitness classes at RRC!

January 19, 2012

The deadline for registration for any Red River College winter fitness classes is coming up soon. Like we mentioned in an earlier Wellness blog post, it’s important to find ways to work out and stay active throughout the work day, so why not sign up for a fitness class right here at RRC?

There are several  different classes to choose from, including; Zumba, Iyvengar Yoga, Cardio Complete, Circuit, Rapid Revolution Spin Plus, Total Body Workout, Beginner Boxing, and Body Blend.

Each of the classes are being offered at various locations around the Notre Dame campus, and are extremely affordable – ranging from $30 – $100 for 10-12 sessions, depending on which class you choose.

Not sure which class is for you? Check out descriptions, locations, and times for each of the classes by visiting the RRC Athletic and Recreation department website, where you can also download their winter brochure and registration form so you can get started.  The registration deadline for winter fitness classes is this Friday, Jan. 20.

If you still want to work out at RRC but aren’t interested in taking classes, there are other fitness programs available too. Recreation services also offers Body Composition Analysis, Fitness Appraisal, and either one-on-one or group training sessions. For more information on those services, click here.

If you’re a student or staff member taking fitness classes, or using the workout spaces here at RRC, why not sign up for a Personal Wellness Plan to track your progress, and provide the RRC Wellness Committee with feedback and ideas of what other wellness initiatives that you would like to see offered at RRC.

Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

Workshop series takes on tough parenting issues

January 19, 2012

The Wellness Committee will be hosting “Parenting for Prevention” – a series of lunch-hour workshops from Jan. 20 – Feb. 14 dedicated to discussing tough parenting topics like youth and teen gambling, and cyberbullying.

Youth Gambling Awareness for Parents
Presented by the Addictions Foundation of Manitoba, this seminar will focus on the three gambling prevention programs the organization offers for youth – (for middle-schoolers), (high school students), and (young adults aged 18-25). Each program is aimed at helping teens understand the facts and risks associated with gambling, and what resources youth and parents can seek out if there’s a problem.

Teens and Depression/Mood Disorders
This “Depression and How it Affects Us All” workshop will discuss depression in young people, where to get help, as well as the signs and symptoms parents can look for.

Youth/Teens and Bullying/Cyberbullying
Bullying can have a negative impact on teens, and in extremely serious cases – it can be fatal. The effects of bullying have led many young people to commit suicide, and it’s important that parents know how to recognize if their child is a victim or a bully themselves. This seminar will go over why teens bully others, what to do if your teen is involved, and where to seek help if your child is being harassed by others. And because bullying isn’t just limited to the playground anymore, the workshop will also look at what cyberbullying is and what you can do to protect your teen online.

Raising Kids of Good Character
Bullying, violence, racism, anti-semitism, drugs, and crime have all become serious problems for youth. Parents play a critical role in the development of their child’s character, and it’s important they make a commitment to raising caring, confident, and respectful teens to help prevent some of these serious problems. This session will discuss the key elements of raising children with good character.

Any staff members who are interested in participating in the workshops can register online here, where you can also get more information about what time each workshop starts, and location. Do you have questions or want more information about the seminars? Contact Lucille McLeod in Human Resources Services at (204) 632-2944.

 Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

City of Winnipeg’s Winter Leisure Guide full of affordable activities around the city

January 16, 2012


There’s lots of great things to do in Winnipeg – especially in the winter. While most of us know where to find favourite outdoor skating rink, taboggoning hill, or what general fun can be found at The Forks, there are endless other events and activities going on in the city that you only need to look as far as the City of Winnipeg’s Winter Leisure Guide to discover.

The guide includes information on countless different events, activities, classes, and programs that are all being offered throughout the winter months at different recreation centres and organizations in Winnipeg. Part of the guide is organized by age group (pre-school, children, youth, adults, and seniors), so it’s easy to see what’s available for either yourself, or your children. The guide also includes a directory of all Winnipeg community and recreation centres, as well as information on how to register for any of the programs that are being advertised.

After browsing through the guide, here are a list of great affordable (or free!)  events coming up that might be worth checking out:

  • Cooking classes: Throughout January, February, and March,  learn how to create a new dish that you can serve up at home with classes at the St. John’s Leisure Centre, Arthur A Leach School, and the Fort Rouge Leisure Centre. For often less than $40, you can get hands-on training with an instructor on how to make dishes from around the world – like Asian curry dishes, French soups, and Nigerian cuisine.
  • Free swim: Swimming is an excellent way to exercise – especially if you’re overweight, have a physical disability, or are a senior. From January 3 – March 11, over a dozen indoor pools across Winnipeg are offering free swim periods for people at any age  that are often scheduled in the evenings, and on the weekends. Some pools are also offering free swim periods for youth ages 9-19 only. For a full list of Winnipeg pools to see which ones are offering free swim programs in your neighbourhood, click here
  • Drop-in fitness classes: Can’t commit to a full 10 or 12 week fitness course? Many of the fitness programs listed in the leisure guide also allow for drop-ins for those who can’t attend regularly, or who want to check out several different classes. Most classes charge a $10.75 one-time drop-in fee, but passes can also be purchased in groups ($42 for 4 classes, $74 for 10 classes, $134 for 20 classes, or $171 for 30 classes). The best part? They don’t expire.
Want more ideas on free activities you or your family can take part in this winter around Winnipeg? Check out the City of Winnipeg’s Winter 2012 Priceless Fun free programs guide. You can also register for any of the city’s Leisure Guide programs at 
Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

Tangy Noodle Salad: easy recipe for a healthy lunch

January 13, 2012

Making the time to put together a healthy lunch before you head out the door for work or school can be a challenge. A lot of the time we end up grabbing an unhealthy frozen dinner from the freezer, or we suck it up and buy something to eat on campus or nearby the office. Before you even realize it, these last-minute meals can end up packing on the pounds.

Weight loss has been identified as the number one goal of Red River College staff members who have signed up for a Personal Wellness Plan as part of the “One” initiative, and a big part of trimming pounds includes a healthy diet. If we put in the effort to make our own lunches, it’s easier to control what types of foods we’re eating rather than being motivated by hunger into choosing less-healthier options just to satisfy our hunger.

The simplest lunches are meals that can be made the night before and packed up in a container, which is easy to grab and go in the morning – like this easy salad from Best Health Magazine:


Tangy Noodle Salad

1/2 1-lb (454-g) package broad rice noodles
2 baby carrots, finely sliced
Small handful broccoli florets, blanched until tender (about 2 minutes)
1-in. (2.5-cm) length English cucumber, finely sliced
1/2 yellow pepper, finely sliced
5 cherry tomatoes, quartered
Large handful fresh coriander, minced
Small handful crushed peanuts

Dressing: Combine 1 Tbsp (15 mL) mango chutney, 2 Tbsp (30 mL) soy sauce, 2 tsp (10 mL) sesame oil and 1 Tbsp (15 mL) orange juice.

Directions: boil the noodles until cooked and then drain, and let cool. Add noodles to chopped vegetables and toss with half the dressing. Pack the remaining dressing (and peanuts) with your lunch to add when you sit down to eat. 


This salad is great because it can be switched up based on what types of foods you have already at home. Don’t have rice noodles? You can substitute vermicelli noodles, or whole wheat angel hair pasta instead. If you want to increase protein, add sliced cooked chicken or tofu.

Want more great healthy lunch ideas? Check out more recipes from Best Health Magazine and Eating Well. If you have any great mid-day meals that have worked for you in the past, let us know on the blog by sharing your recipes with us!

Submitted by Hayley Brigg, Creative Communications student

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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