Corporate training

Corporate Solutions

Helping Meet the Needs of Manitoba’s Employers

Jobs and technology are evolving and in order to navigate these challenges and the demands of today’s complicated markets, organizations must also evolve to find research and training solutions that fit their needs and are delivered in real time.

RRC Polytech helps meet the needs of Manitoba’s employers and grow Manitoba’s economy by working closely with organizations in order to provide its workers with in-demand, applied skills that allow them to hit the ground running on day one and achieve important business goals.

By partnering with Corporate Solutions, organizations of all sizes have access to RRC Polytech’s knowledgeable and trusted subject-matter experts for custom and contract training solutions.

Success by the Numbers



The number of projects developed by Corporate Solutions to date.



The total number of organizations that partnered with us.



The total number of participants trained by Corporate Solutions.

$400 – $500,000

Pricing Range

The range of dollars partners contracted, depending on their needs.

All figures for April 2017 – June 2024

Micro-training: Rapid Skills for Success

Micro-training logo

RRC Polytech’s Micro-training provides rapid training for employees at an organization to acquire proficiency in a specific skill or competency. Our training:

Custom micro-credential training for organizations
  • Aligns with some of the most sought-after skills in industry
  • May award a micro-credential in the form of a sharable digital badge
  • Customizable and cost-effective
  • Fully flexible – delivered at various times of the day and week and available on-site, off-site, on-campus or online

Discover how we helped SkipTheDishes train a rapidly growing workforce ›

Our Solutions

By offering integrated solutions, RRC Polytech is able to provide custom training and learning and development for all organizations in order to meet their unique needs.

Read about our training options >

See our solutions >

Our Approach

RRC Polytech works with organizations of all sizes using the following experience-tested approach:

  • Assess needs to reach business goals.
  • Design customized solutions to meet the needs.
  • Deliver solutions where, when and how they are needed.
  • Evaluate the results in order to continuously improve and stay ahead of the game.
  • Introduce quality applied learning delivered by proven industry experts.

Learn more about our approach >

Contact CTA

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›