RRC Polytech is committed to developing a culture of diversity and inclusivity for the communities we serve. We believe in equal access to education and employment, and as one of the province’s leading post-secondary institutions, we are committed to fostering an environment that is welcoming, supportive and respectful of the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
RRC Polytech is committed to continuing its work to remove barriers to education and employment, and to promote access and participation in all aspects and activities of the College. Building on decades of inclusion and the establishment of best practices, it is the responsibility of each member of the RRC Polytech community — including employees, students, alumni, volunteers and their representative organizations — to play a part in creating an equitable and inclusive environment. To support individuals to satisfy the requirements of their education or employment, we commit to making reasonable accommodations that may be required to allow persons with disabilities to be successful.
We believe in inclusion and we will continue our work to meet, and exceed where possible, the mandate of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and the mandate of The Human Rights Code.
To advance this commitment to accessibility, RRC Polytech has created an Accessibility Plan. The Accessibility Plan has been created under the guidance and direction of the Chief Human Resources Officer and is supported by the Human Resource Services Programs and Policies team. The plan is updated every two years by an Accessibility Working Group, representing programs and departments across the College. The Accessibility Work Group leads the implementation of the Accessibility Plan and with input and feedback from the College community, they report on progress; demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Accessibility Standards; and, identify further initiatives to address accessibility barriers and support access to programs and services.
If you have any questions or feedback about RRC Polytech’s Accessibility Plan; or, if you would like to request this information in alternate formats, please contact the College by email at diversity@rrc.ca, by phone at 204-632-2319, or by fax at 204-694-0750.
Create an Accessibility Working Group to support the development and implementation of RRC Polytech’s Accessibility Plan.
RRC Polytech’s commitment to accessibility is championed by our Chief Human Resource Officer. To support the development and implementation of the Accessibility Plan, RRC Polytech has established an Accessibility Working Group. The Accessibiltiy Working Group is comprised of stakeholders from across the College and is supported by the Human Resource Programs and Policies team. The Accessibility Working Group was renewed in 2022 to support the updates and implementation of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
In compliance with the Accessibility for Manitobans Act, RRC Polytech will update its Accessibility Plan every two years to comply with the requirements of the Accessibility Standards, report on progress and identify initiatives to raise awareness, address barriers and support accessibility.
The Accessibility Working Group reviewed and updated the Accessibility plan for 2022-2024, with input from representatives from across the College Community. The plan updated were advanced to RRC Polytech’s Executive team and the Manitoba Accessibility Office who provided support to proceed with implementation.
Develop policies, programs, and practices to remove barriers and deliver accessible services and supports.
RRC Polytech will continue to support the development of accessible policies, programs and practices; and plans to develop an overarching Accessibility Policy as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Provide mandatory staff training to improve overall understanding of accessibility for persons with disabilities.
Increase knowledge and awareness, and reduce stigma.
This action is complete. Customer Service Standard Online Training is mandatory for all RRC Polytech employees. The College is at a 99% compliance rate on this training presently.
Develop a strategy for sharing resources related to accessibility with employees, students and stakeholders.
Increased knowledge and easier access to resources and information.
This action is complete. We have developed an Accessibility section on the RRC Polytech website where information, resources and services for students and employees related to this topic are available.
Ensure alternate formats for all communication materials are available upon request.
Include alternate format statement on all communications.
This action is complete. Best practice for the College has been developed to include active offer statements on all of our communication. This work will be ongoing and as we identify gaps in compliance we will correct as needed.
Create a process for providing closed captioning to new video materials and previously developed priority materials.
All RRC Polytech developed videos to include closed captioning.
This action is complete. Every RRC Polytech video on YouTube and Vimeo has upgraded to include closed captioning. Closed captioning is also included in the standard process for new video development.
Ensure all course outlines include an Accessibility Statement.
All course outlines upgraded to this standard.
This action is complete. All course outlines have an Accessibility Statement included.
Form a task group to improve the student self-identification process for disabilities.
Improved processes for student self-identification.
This action is complete. The RRC Polytech application form now has a question encouraging students to self-identify as having a disability and the process enables students to link with our Academic Support Services for further assistance.
Develop additional readiness strategies specific to students with disabilities to ensure they are prepared for the start of classes.
Improvement in student readiness.
This action is complete and ongoing. RRC Polytech’s Autism Spectrum Disorder pilot prep program launched in August 2017. The program was a success and is now an annual offering. In 2020 and onwards we will assess whether there are additional programs we can implement to improve student readiness.
Review process for developing student Academic Accommodation Plans.
Process for Academic Accommodation Planning is defined and communicated to employees.
This action is complete. A review of the process for developing Accommodation Plans is complete and the process was communicated to the College successfully. Specific programs that include co-op, clinical or any other off-campus placements were reviewed to ensure Accommodation Plans are clear and communicated to faculty as well as on-site instructors.
Develop a Mental Health Strategy for all employee and students.
Mental Health Strategy rolled out.
This action is complete. RRC Polytech has developed the ongoing Healthy Minds, Healthy College initiative. The College has employed a Mental Health Coordinator as well as an Advisory Committee that supports this objective throughout the year.
Explore options to reduce financial barriers to students with disabilities, such as site licenses for assistive technology.
Outline strategies to reduce financial barriers.
This action is complete and ongoing. RRC Polytech has financial bursaries and assistive technology available to support students. These services have expanded in 2019 to include license to access Text to Speech software.
Ensure that employees know who to contact and where to get information related to customer service and accessibility.
Improve awareness of where to get information and direct questions.
This action is complete. There is an email set up for employee and student inquiries related to accessibility – diversity@rrc.ca. This information is available on our corporate website.
Provide accessibility training to new instructors as part of the Teaching Essential Program (TEP).
Information on Academic Accommodations policy and processes included in the TEP.
This action is complete. Information regarding the Academic Accommodation Policy and process is included in the TEP training and manual.
Evaluate methods to further educate the Academic Accommodation Policy to RRC Polytech faculty.
Increased awareness of the Academic Accommodations Policy (A28).
The Academic Accommodation Policy is to be updated in 2020. After the update is complete we will look to develop training or information sessions for the RRC Polytech community.
Begin the process of defining essential learning outcomes for Program and Curriculum Development.
Process defined.
In 2020, we will be reviewing where the development and implementation can best fit into our current process and connecting with other institutions (ie. University of Manitoba) who have implemented essential learning outcomes. We will then make a plan to develop essential learning outcomes for our programs.
Develop individual emergency response plans and practices to keep employees and students with disabilities safe during a workplace or classroom emergency.
RRC Polytech has developed individual emergency response plans and practices and communicated these practices to all employees and students. Employees and students are aware they can request an accessible emergency response plan by emailing safety@rrc.ca. RRC Polytech’s Safety, Health and Security Services ensures all requested emergency response plans are developed and are regularly reviewed and updated.
Develop practices to obtain emergency response information and permission to share information, as needed, to support the implementation of established emergency response plans.
As part of the developed emergency response plans and practices, RRC Polytech obtains emergency response information from employees or students; and, confirms permission to share this information with individuals who have agreed to help implement an emergency response plan. Employees and students receive a copy of their emergency response plan which identifies those who need to be part of their plan and what their role would be.
Develop a statement to notify job applicants that they can request accommodations during the hiring process and add to all job postings.
RRC Polytech includes a statement on all job postings to reflect its commitment to accessible, barrier free employment and to invite candidates requiring accommodation to contact Human Resources Services to discuss their accommodation needs.
Develop a statement to offer information in alternate formats and add to all job postings.
RRC Polytech job postings include an accessible offer to provide information in alternate formats upon request.
Provide job seekers with further information on requesting accommodations during the hiring process.
RRC Polytech has developed an Interview Accommodations FAQ to provide job seekers with further information on accommodations during the hiring process including how to request an accommodation; examples of accommodations that can be requested; what job applicants can expect during the interview process; and, how their personal information will be protected.
Develop a statement to inform applicants about workplace accommodation policies and practices and add to all letter of offer templates.
RRC Polytech has updated its letter of offer templates to provide employees with information about workplace accommodations and process to request accommodation.
Ensure the employee letter of offer is fully accessible and includes alternate text.
RRC Polytech has updated its letter of offer templates to ensure letters can be provided in accessible formats with alternate text.
Inform employees about new policies and/or changes to accessibility/accommodation policies and procedures.
RRC Polytech has established a Policies Development Framework that establishes that all policies and associated procedures will be posted on the College Policies website. RRC Polytech further communicates policy and/or procedure updates through internal emails and staff training, where required.
Establish guidelines to support accessible policy development.
RRC Polytech has established policy Drafting Guidelines which prompt consideration of systematic barriers; inclusive language; and, fairness and flexibility during the policy development process.
Include information about workplace accommodations in the employee onboarding process.
RRC Polytech includes information about workplace accommodations as part of its Onboarding Process Checklist.
Include information about workplace accommodations in the new employee orientation training.
RRC Polytech delivers regular New Employee Orientation sessions which provide employees with an introduction to the Supportive Employment Program and information on workplace accommodations and related legislation.
Develop a program to support the workplace accommodation process and to develop accommodation plans for employees that request them.
RRC Polytech has developed a Supportive Employment Program which provides employees and supervisors with training, tools, templates and supports to manage the medical accommodation process and develop individual accommodation plans. The accommodation plans established through the Supportive Employment Program meet the requirements of section 13(2) of the Accessible Employment Standard Regulation.
Update the Performance Support Conversation Program to include information about workplace accommodations.
RRC Polytech has updated its Performance Support Conversations Program to include information about workplace accommodations and to prompt consideration of whether there are any accessibility barriers that could be removed or accommodated to support an employee’s performance.
Develop and implement guidelines for the design and delivery of accessible staff development workshops.
RRC Polytech has developed a collection of accessibility resources and tips to support the design and delivery of accessible training and development for staff (and students). RRC Polytech has developed accompanying training and all facilitators who deliver staff development workshops were invited to attend the kick-off sessions. The accessibility resources include information about accommodations and provide further information to learn more. The Accessibility Guidelines for staff training are published on the Staff Forum Accessibility Website.
Develop a program to support the workplace accommodation process and to develop return to work plans/reasonable accommodation plans for employees who require them.
RRC Polytech had developed a Supportive Employment Program which provides employees and supervisors with training, tools, templates and supports to manage the medical accommodation process and to guide the planning for return to work plans for employees who have been off work due to injury or illness and the development of reasonable accommodation plans for employees who require them.
Develop training to support management with considering workplace accommodations and removing barrier to accessibility.
RRC Polytech has developed training for Managers on the Supportive Employment Program which provides an overview of relevant legislation and the medical accommodation process.
Train management and staff with human resource responsibilities on the Accessible Employment Standard.
RRC Polytech is developing a training plan to support management and staff with human resource responsibilities to complete the Accessibility for Manitobans online training for Accessible Employment.
This will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Update RRC Polytech’s Accessibility websites with new policies, practices and training related to the Accessibility Standard for Employment.
RRC Polytech continues to keep a record of its accessibility policy and practices, including its training offerings through its Accessibility website. The website is updated as new policies, procedures, trainings and supports are developed. The website provides information on how to request further information about RRC Polytech’s accessibility services and supports; as well as how to request information in accessible formats.
Update RRC Polytech’s Accessibility websites with new policies, practices and training related to the Accessibility Standard for Employment.
RRC Polytech continues to inform the public about its accessibility policies and practices through its Accessibility website, which offers information on how to request assistance with accessibility and/or further information in accessible formats.
Conduct an accessibility audit to determine compliance with World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA and resolve any areas of non-compliance.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Develop guidelines, procedures and training to respond to request for accessible communications on public and employment communications.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Review and update procedures and tracking templates to support consistent practices for receiving, responding to, and reporting on submitted requests.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Establish a training plan to deliver training on the Accessibility Standard for Information and Communications to employees and volunteers who communicate directly with the public or who develop communications.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Develop guidelines, procedures and training to inform and respond to requests for accessible educational materials.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Develop guidelines, procedures and training to consider accessibility when procuring library resources and to inform library users that resources can be made available through a communication support or accessible format.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Update RRC Polytech’s Accessibility website with new policies, practices and training related to the Accessibility Standard for Information and Communications.
This initiative will be implemented as part of the 2022-2024 Accessibility Plan updates.
Conduct an audit of NDC to identify accessibility barriers in the built environment.
Audit conducted.
This action is complete. Accessibility audit was carried out in Q1 of 2020 for all RRC Polytech campuses.
Improve wayfinding signage to help people locate elevators at the Notre Dame Campus.
Signage implemented.
This action is complete. Signs to improve wayfinding to elevators has been put up and the ongoing maintenance/upgrades to signage as per changing Accessibility standards and best practices will be continued as needed.
Review and optimize the work order process.
Employees will have a clear understanding of the work order process and outcomes of requests.
Project Manager for this initiative is to be hired in Q3 of 2020. Approximate completion date for this action is 2021.
Designate a budget for improving signage.
Budget assigned for signage improvements.
New guidelines for signage are being developed. These guidelines combined with the recommendations from the Accessibility Audit will shape a formal request for a budget.
Develop a strategy for upgrading signage.
Strategy established, with some increase in new signage that is accessibility-compliant.
This action item is in progress. Planned to have a Signage Standard developed for RRC Polytech by 2021.
Review barriers in access to student services at Regional Campuses.
Develop strategy to enhance student access.
A task group was assembled in 2018 and a Regional Campus review was conducted. Identified barriers to accessing technology and resources are in the process of being resolved.
In regards to barriers in the built environment, an Accessibility Audit was conducted at all our campuses in 2020. The findings from this audit will be prioritized and addressed over the next few years.
The Accessibility Standard for Transportation applies to public transportation to address barriers Manitobans might encounter while getting to work or school, shopping, socializing and other aspects of daily life. Initiatives will be developed subject to the release of the Accessible Transportation Standard.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.