Equity, Diversity and Inclusion on Campus


Canadian Multiculturalism Day 2024

June 24, 2024

Canadian Multiculturalism Day is observed on June 27 to honour the many cultures that help build a strong and vibrant Canadian society.  In 1988, Canada became the first country in the world to recognize its multiculturalism policy in legislation by passing the Canadian Multiculturalism Act.  The Act promotes the full and equitable participation of individuals and communities of all origins in the continuing evolution and shaping of the Canadian society. Canada continues its work to promote multiculturalism and fight against racism by supporting communities and creating opportunities for conversations on multiculturalism, diversity, racism and religious discrimination.

At RRC Polytech, we recognize that diversity within our communities is one of our greatest strengths. We are committed to fostering working and learning environments that recognize and celebrate the diversity of our students and our staff. Together, we are working toward a place where we understand, embrace and uplift each other’s culture, and where all are welcomed for who they are, and for what we can build together.

All RRC Polytech employees have access to the CCDI 2024 Diversity Calendar. The calendar includes religious and cultural observances and other commemorative dates and fosters opportunities to learn about and celebrate diversity throughout the year.  We use this calendar to guide the celebrations and observances we recognize as a College community. If there is a holiday that you celebrate or observe, and would like to add to the calendar, please fill out the Celebrate Everything form.

RRC Polytech’s Anti-Racism Action Committee – Social Justice Engagement Club has put together a Social Justice Bingo activity to build awareness on anti-racism and social justice this summer.  All members of the RRC Polytech community are invited to engage in the activities on this card to learn more about anti-racist and social-justice related topics and places in our province. This is an opportunity to reflect on power, privilege, bias, and how they influence our own experiences and perceptions, and how they affect individuals and groups in our communities.  

As you engage with these activities, reflect on your experiences, take pictures, and share with the RRC Polytech community. Once you have completed the card, complete this form to be included in a draw to win a book prize. 

B I N G O 
Visit the Canadian Museum for Human Rights Watch a video that explains systemic racism Read an Anti-racism-themed book (see resource list for suggestions) Find an article about a current issue and share with friends or colleagues Talk with friends and family to build awareness of systemic racism 
Attend a Social Justice Engagement committee event Visit one of the Manidoo Miiniigooizowin exhibit at the Manitoba Museum Attend Folklorama Attend a PowWow Visit Qaumajuq at the Winnipeg Art Gallery 
Attend an event on Indigenous People’s Day on June 21 Take a picture with the mural at RRC Polytech Portage Campus Free
Make a button at the anti-racism booth at Red Forum 
Visit the Petroforms in the Whiteshell Take a picture with as many Rainbow flags as you can during Pride Month 
Visit a restaurant or store that is different from your ethnicity or culture Take the Indigenous Canada course (Indigenous Canada|University of Alberta) Volunteer your time or donate to Harvest Manitoba Take a LinkedIn Learning course about bias awareness   Take a walk at The Forks and visit Oodena Celebration Circle or the Peace Meeting Site 
Review and find where you see yourself on the Wheel of Privilege and Power Attend a Pride Parade Watch a movie that is not in your primary language Attend a CCDI Webinar (RRC Polytech Staff have free access) Add alternative text for the RRC Polytech logo graphic in your email signature 
Summer 2024 Social Justice Bingo

You can access other Anti-Racism Resources and learn more about the Anti-Racism Working Group in this Diversity Blog Post.

If you have any questions or need more information, please contact diversity@rrc.ca.

Why Do You Need a Parade? A Pride Month Presentation

June 6, 2024

Recording of Why do You Need a Parade? A Pride Month Presentation by Jonathan Niemczak

RRC Polytech is honoured once again to welcome Jonathan Niemczak to speak with the community as part of our Pride Month celebrations.

Jonathan, Chair and President of the Canadian Pride Historical Society (CPHS) will provide an overview of the historical events that lead to the start of the Pride Movement in Canada and Winnipeg.

Date: Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • In person: Roundhouse Auditorium (Second Floor), Manitou a bi Bii daziigae, Exchange District Campus, Red River College Polytechnic, 319 Elgin Avenue
    • Please note that in-person capacity is limited – register now to save your spot!
    • Light refreshments will be provided for in-person attendees.
    • View the interactive map of the Exchange District Campus.
  • Online via Zoom

About Jonathan Niemczak
Jonathan Niemczak is the Chair and President of the Canadian Pride Historical Society (CPHS), a national non-profit organization dedicated to documenting and telling the story of the history of the Pride Movement in Canada. Before founding CPHS, Jonathan was the President of the Pride Winnipeg Festival, where he served on the Board of Directors for ten years and led the organization for six. At Pride Winnipeg, he identified a significant gap in the collective knowledge about the origins of Pride in Winnipeg and Pride in other Canadian communities. This insight drove him to establish the Canadian Pride Historical Society, ensuring the preservation of Pride Movement history for future generations. Jonathan is passionate about 2SLGBT+ history and committed to fostering greater awareness and appreciation of the community’s rich heritage. His work ensures that these important stories are not lost to time, highlighting the significance of the Pride Movement in Canada’s social and cultural landscape.

At RRC Polytech strive to host inclusive events. If you require accommodation, please email diversity@rrc.ca.

Manitoba Access Awareness Week: May 26 to June 1, 2024

May 20, 2024

Manitoba Access Awareness Week (MAAW) is observed annually to raise awareness about accessibility issues that affect people with disabilities in Manitoba. It is important to be aware of these issues, remove barriers and celebrate access and inclusion.

RRC Polytech is committed to continuing its work to remove barriers to education and employment, and to promote access and participation in all aspects and activities of the College. Each member of the RRC Polytech community shares the responsibility of creating an equitable and inclusive environment.

All employees can access the Accessible Customer Service Standard Training and Accessible Information and Communications Standard Training through HRIS/My Portal/My Learning, to learn about the requirements of the Accessibility for Manitobans Act and Standards and resources available at the College. 

RRC Polytech offers programs and services to help with accessibility. You can find more information on our websites:

The Manitoba Accessibility Office will be hosting free daily webinars from May 27 to May 31 in recognition of Manitoba Access Awareness Week. We will be highlighting these webinars and other learning opportunities through Staff News posts in the coming days.

RRC Polytech is committed to fostering an environment that is welcoming, supportive and respectful of the dignity and independence of people with disabilities. We will continue to identify and implement strategies to ensure that individuals in the College community have equal opportunity to achieve their employment and educational goals.

You can let us know your questions or feedback regarding accessibility using the feedback form or by emailing diversity@rrc.ca.

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia

May 13, 2024

Post written by Dr Obren Amiesimaka and Justine Hawley, Gender and Sexual Diversity Group Members at RRC Polytech.

The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT) is marked every May 17. Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia are probably words you’ve heard before. They refer to the “fear, dislike, or hatred of and discrimination against 2SLGBTQIA+ people”(Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion’s Glossary of Terms) because of their gender identity and/or sexual orientation.

Derogatory language, violence and various forms of discrimination, at work or in the law/education/life generally, are few examples of homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia. These acts of discrimination can be subtle, but they don’t have to be overt to negatively impact 2SLGBTQIA+ folk. Sadly, many members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Canada and around the world still face discrimination due to homophobia, transphobia and biphobia. We should not be complicit by letting these hateful actions occur without repercussions or anyone standing up.

The theme for this year’s International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia is “No One Left Behind: Equality, Freedom and Justice for All”. At RRC Polytech, we are committed to pursuing equity, diversity and inclusion in everything we do, and this is embedded in our Strategic Plan. We strive to be allies, show kindness to, and respect the dignity of everyone, no matter who they are and who they love.

Think about how you can be a 2SLGBTQIA+ ally and stand against homophobia, transphobia, and biphobia this May 17 and always.

International Day of Pink 2024

April 10, 2024

International Day of Pink, also known as Day of Pink, is celebrated annually on the second Wednesday of April to celebrate diversity, acceptance, courage, and inclusivity within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and beyond.

Day of Pink is for people who have previously, or recently, experienced discrimination because of their sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression. This day urges people around the world to stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to continue fighting for equality and acceptance.

At RRC Polytech, Campus Well-Being in partnership with the Gender and Sexual Diversity Working Group hosted a booth at Notre Dame Campus on April 10 to create awareness and share resources. Staff and students had the opportunity to create a customized button to mark the day.

You can explore the International Day of Pink website, to read more about this year’s theme, and to learn more about the anniversary of three important milestones: the birth of the Trans flag, the Brunswick Four, and the Depathologization of Homosexuality.

World Autism Awareness Day

March 28, 2024

World Autism Awareness Day is an annual observance on April 2, designated in 2008 by the United Nations to acknowledge the lived experiences, bring awareness to the inequities and advocate for the rights of individuals who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (or autism).

Also known as World Autism Acceptance Day, the observance highlights the importance of accepting, supporting and including persons with autism, so they can lead a full life and make meaningful contributions at work, at home and in the community.

Learn more about Autism Spectrum Disorder and how you can recognize World Autism Awareness Day:

On April 2, and every day, may we recognize the unique contributions of persons with autism, and continue to create more inclusive environments where everyone feels accepted.

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

March 21, 2024

Today, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is observed annually on March 21 – the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration against apartheid “pass laws” in 1960.

Since then, some racist systems have been dismantled but, in many regions, too many individuals, communities, and societies suffer from the injustice and stigma that racism brings. We can use this day to reflect on the fact that Indigenous peoples and racialized communities continue to experience racism and discrimination in Canada every day. We can re-commit to take action against racial discrimination in all forms to ensure a world where everyone has equitable access to all aspects of society.

Learn more about the United Nation’s theme for 2024: “A Decade of Recognition, Justice, and Development: Implementation of the International Decade for People of African Descent”.

Film Screening: The Skin We’re In

Today, the Social Justice Engagement Club is an initiative put on by the Anti-Racism Action Committee to create a space for students, faculty and staff to foster a learning community that advances Truth and Reconciliation, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

In recognition of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, join the Social Justice Engagement Club for a film screening and guided conversation for faculty, staff and students. We’ll provide snacks and you could win a book.

We will be screening the CBC documentary, “The Skin We’re In.”

Day: Today, Thursday, March 21, 2024

Time: 12:00 pm – 1:00pm


  • Notre Dame Campus: Active Learning Classroom (Library, CM27)
  • Exchange District Campus: Roundhouse Auditorium

Read more about the event and register on the diversity blog.

Register now.

Anti-Racism Training:

As a College community we have a responsibility to commit to standing up, speaking out, and pushing back against racism in all its forms.

We know diversity is one of our greatest strengths and the College is home to thousands of employees and students from all different backgrounds. Every one of us brings a unique perspective, experience, and connection to our workplace and classrooms.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to complete your Anti-Racism Training for Employees, please make time to complete this training and learn more about privilege, unconscious bias and decision-making, the difference between anti-racism and systemic racism, why microagressions are called “death by a thousand cuts” and why silence makes things worse. Through Anti-Racism: A Journey to Allyship training, you will leave with concrete actions you can take towards racial equity and tackling discrimination that make a difference.

Complete your training here.

Trans Day of Visibility with Elder Albert McLeod

March 13, 2024

International Trans Day of Visibility is an annual event dedicated to celebrating Trans people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by Transgender people worldwide. Join Elder Albert McLeod on Trans Day of Visibility for a talk centered on perspectives on understanding Transgender identities, challenges faced by the Transgender community, Two Spirit advocacy within the Winnipeg Trans community, and the importance of visibility and allyship.

Date: Wednesday, March 27

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


In person: Connected Classroom, G139 (second floor) Emerging Media and Production, NDC. Drop in, no registration is required.

Online on Teams: The event will also be livestreamed. If you would like to join the event online, please register here.

About the Presenter:

Albert McLeod is a Status Indian with ancestry from Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation and the Métis community of Norway House in northern Manitoba. He has over thirty years of experience as a human rights activist and is one of the directors of the Two-Spirited People of Manitoba.

Albert began his Two-Spirit advocacy in Winnipeg in 1986 and became an HIV/AIDS activist in 1987. He was the director of the Manitoba Aboriginal AIDS Task Force from 1991 to 2001. In 2018, Albert received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Winnipeg.

Albert lives in Winnipeg, where he works as a consultant specializing in Indigenous peoples, cultural reclamation, and cross-cultural training.

Two Spirit Film Festival

March 13, 2024

March 20 is Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQIA+ Celebration and Awareness Day. In recognition of this day, RRC Polytech is holding a Two Spirit Film Festival, screening films from The National Film Board of Canada to celebrate the radiance and diversity of Two-Spirit identities, expression and experience.

Locations & Time:

  • The Spectrum, Notre Dame Campus, from 12:00 to 1 :00 p.m.
  • Room E155, Manitou a bi Bii Daziigae, Exchange District Campus, from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Films range from six to 22 minutes. Drop in for one or stay and view all three over the hour!

  • First Stories,Two Spirited – This short documentary presents the empowering story of Rodney “Geeyo” Poucette’s struggle against prejudice in the Indigenous community as a Two Spirited Jingle Dancer.
  • Second Stories, Deb-we-win Ge-ken-am-aan, Our Place in the Circle – Lorne Olson’s short documentary presents a vision he had of Two Spirited people dancing, laughing, and smiling. His vision spurs him to rediscover the strength of the past to better face the challenges of today.
  • Woman Dress – Pre-contact, a Two Spirit person named Woman Dress travels the Plains, gathering and sharing stories. Featuring archival images and dramatized re-enactments, this film shares a Cuthand family oral story, honouring and respecting Woman Dress without imposing colonial binaries on them.

Resources for Beyond Inclusion Week

March 12, 2024

February 26 to March 1 marked RRC Polytech’s second annual Inclusion Week, an opportunity for students and staff to live our shared commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in everything we do, through a mix of in-person and virtual sessions.

Thank you to the planning committee, volunteers, presenters and special guests for another fantastic week full of programming and learning. And of course, thank you to everyone who participated in sessions throughout the week!

Resources for Beyond Inclusion Week

Missed out on attending a session, or looking for some self-guided learning opportunities? The journey to embodying EDI and creating more inclusive spaces doesn’t stop when Inclusion Week is over!

Recordings of Inclusion Week Keynote and Featured Sessions

Keynote Session – Dr. Robert Mizzi: Queer Voices Inclusive Choices Transforming Academic Spaces

Featured Session – Isha Khan: Finding Your Voice and Advocating for Change
Featured Session – Tanya Marinelli-Clarke: Lateral Violence to Lateral Kindness

Access the full list of self-guided resources at the bottom of this post.

Creating Inclusive Online Classrooms and Meetings

Watch the presentation from Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services and Students Accessibility Services team members on how you can create more inclusive learning and collaboration in online spaces.

Upcoming Events

Join the College community for events this month in recognition of Two Spirit Day, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and Trans Day of Visibility.

Two Spirit Film Festival
Wednesday, March 20
Exchange District Campus – Room E155 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
Notre Dame Campus – The Spectrum from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

March 20 is Two-Spirit and Indigenous LGBTQIA+ Celebration and Awareness Day, on this day RRC Polytech is hosting a Two Spirit Film Festival to celebrate the radiance and diversity of Two-Spirit identities, expression and experience.

Join us for a screening of three films:

First Stories, Two Spirited – This short documentary presents the empowering story of Rodney “Geeyo” Poucette’s struggle against prejudice in the Indigenous community as a Two Spirited Jingle Dancer.

Second Stories, Deb-we-win Ge-ken-am-aan, Our Place in the Circle -Lorne Olson’s short documentary presents a vision he had of Two Spirited people dancing, laughing, and smiling. His vision spurs him to rediscover the strength of the past to better face the challenges of today.

Woman Dress – Pre-contact, a Two Spirit person named Woman Dress travels the Plains, gathering and sharing stories. Featuring archival images and dramatized re-enactments, this film shares a Cuthand family oral story, honouring and respecting Woman Dress without imposing colonial binaries on them.

Drop in; registration is not required.

Film Screening: The Skin We’re In
Thursday, March 21, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.
Notre Dame Campus: Active Learning Classroom (Library, CM27)
Exchange District Campus: Roundhouse Auditorium

In recognition of International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination on March 21, join the Social Justice Engagement Club for a film screening and guided conversation for faculty, staff and students.

We will be screening the CBC documentary, “The Skin We’re In.

The Skin We’re In marks a distinctly Canadian contribution to the “Black Lives Matter” movement which originated in the US, but which describes a set of systemic injustices and disadvantages faced by all black people living in white-dominated societies. Cole asserts that anti-black racism is so all-encompassing in Canada that black people and their allies, far from congratulating themselves that they do not live in America, should be following the American example and dismantling the structures that continue to hold them back.

Trans Day of Visibility with Elder Albert McLeod
Wednesday, March 27, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Connected Classroom, G139 (second floor) Emerging Media and Production, NDC

Join Elder Albert McLeod on Trans Day of Visibility for a talk centered on perspectives on understanding Transgender identities, challenges faced by the Transgender community, Two Spirit advocacy within the Winnipeg Trans community, and the importance of visibility and allyship.

Participants are asked to arrive at Emerging Media and Production’s Connected Classroom, Second Floor (G139) for 11:00 a.m. The event will begin at 11:30 a.m.

Drop in; registration is not required.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

Learn more ›