Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice 2023

The Anti-Racism Action Committee is excited to launch the second iteration of the Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice (TRCP) this fall 2023!
The TRCP is an RRC Polytech learning community that creates opportunities for staff and faculty to extend and apply their learning, and to take action to advance Truth and Reconciliation and anti-racism.
Participation in the TRCP will involve a commitment of 10-12 hours throughout Fall 2023. This includes both group discussion, facilitated in circle, and small group or partner discussions, around guided questions that relate to both Truth and Reconciliation and anti-racism. These discussions will guide participants on a journey through the Medicine Wheel and will provide experiential learning around Indigenous teachings. Participation in the TRCP will culminate in a group feast, to celebrate the truth learned and actions taken over the course of the term, as well as to plan next steps.
Joanna White, Indigenous Curriculum & Cultural Advisor for the Department of Community Services, will be facilitating this series.

Outcomes of participation in the TRCP include:
- Demonstrating a commitment to Truth and Reconciliation, and the pursuit of EDI.
- Experiencing and understanding Indigenous teachings, such as circle teaching and the Medicine Wheel.
- Identifying meaningful opportunities for individual action and engagement relating to reconciliation, and the enhancement of inclusion at RRC Polytech.
Key Dates:
Participation in the TRCP involves the following dates:
- Initial Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice Circle: October 19, 11:30 – 12:30 (Prairie Lights, NDC)
- Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice Circle: November 2, 11:30 – 12:30 (F205, NDC)
- Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice Circle: November 16, 11:30 – 12:30 (F205, NDC)
- Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice Group Wrap up & Feast: November 30th, 11:30 – 1:00 (F205, NDC)
- 4 x 1 hour meetings with small group/learning partner for discussion and reflection (self-directed, in-person or remote)
Learn more and apply now:
If you have any questions about the Truth and Reconciliation Community of Practice, please let us know.
Apply to this iteration of this program here. (Note that priority will be given to individuals who did not participate in the first iteration of the TRCP.)