RRC Polytech delivers online and distance courses right to your home; online, audio-teleconferences, telephone tutorials, email, CD-ROMs, textbooks, printed materials. Find out more about the delivery methods.
Over half of our Online Learning students live in Winnipeg.
Textbooks are not automatically ordered as part of your registration. Order your textbooks and course materials from the Campus Store. Items can be mailed to you or picked up in person at our Notre Dame Campus or Exchange District Campus.
Exam arrangements and request forms are included with each course package sent to students. Follow the instructions and return the completed form.
Students who are actively registered in an Online Education course are responsible for scheduling their own examinations, if applicable. Examinations cannot be scheduled to be written past the course end date; your course end date can be found on your registration statement or via your HUB account.
If an Online Education course requires students to write their exams in-person, students who reside in Winnipeg must write their exams at the Testing and Assessment Centre located at RRC Polytech’s Exchange District Campus. Students who reside outside of Winnipeg may arrange for off-campus exam invigilation in an approved Exam Invigilation Centre. More information can be found on the Online Education Exam Request webpage.
Examiner fees, if any, are the responsibility of the student. Exams are not returned.
No. Check the legend on the program outline.
Advise your instructor or RRC Polytech and we will inform your instructor.
After you complete your course, you will be able to check your grades through your HUB account. Once logged in, navigate to the Grades section.
Please allow three weeks for the instructor to finalize your mark and submit your grade. If you have any loaner materials, it is critical that they be returned to the College immediately.
Arrange with your employer or sponsor to fax or mail us a completed registration form along with an authorization letter (or the employer can use our Sponsorship form, which we will fax on request). We’ll register you and then invoice your employer or agency.
Options for submitting assignments vary by course. These options include email, fax, mail, LEARN and /or self-marked. Many courses have two to three methods of choice. Details are included in your course package.
Most courses include some tutorial time. Usually, the instructor will arrange to call you at a convenient time. Work schedules and other responsibilities may limit the times your tutor can be reached. For some courses, tutoring is done by email.
Yes, with a couple of exceptions. Your package includes sets of directions, printed learning materials and any loaned items such as sets of journal articles or videotapes. Some exceptions are Cataloguing and the RN Refresher courses.
Textbooks are an additional cost and can be purchased from the Campus Store website.
Certificate programs must be completed within four years and diploma programs must be completed within six years.
Exceptions are noted on the program’s webpage.
If taking your course through LEARN, email the help-line at learn@rrc.ca; through SharePoint, email our Technical Support at ce.support@rrc.ca.
Find out how we deliver credit courses to you.
When students register online they will receive an automatic email to the email they registered with that outlines the requirements for the course if a textbook is required, the classroom they will go to and their instructors name as well as the start and end times for the course.
Online students must be ready to schedule their exam at least three weeks prior to the end date as the final exam should be completed by the last day of the course.
The Online Education exam request must be submitted a minimum of seven business days prior to the requested exam date. Once your exam has been scheduled and set, an email confirmation will be sent to your Red River College Polytechnic academic email account with the exam details.
Yes, they must submit IELTS (Academic) with their International Credentials before the assessment will be done.
Yes, please refer to the International Credentials Assessment Fee on the Fees page.
For information about part-time education refunds, see RRC Polytech’s fees.
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RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.