Originator: Vice President, Academic
Approver: Senior Leadership Team
Effective: March 2021
Replaces: May 30, 2008
See the U3 – Learning Space Scheduling Procedures ›
The purpose of this policy is to support the academic mission of RRC Polytech, ensure timely student progression through academic programs and pathways, course-based scheduling, and promote good stewardship of all College learning spaces and resources by providing principles and a framework with which to administer all academic activity within the College’s spaces and resources.
It is recognized in this milieu that there is a very tight connection between physical and virtual learning space schedules, their relationship to student and faculty timetables and students’ flexibility to create their own timetables. A high-quality learning space schedule is created by matching the appropriate learning space to functional course outcome requirements, class size and location to optimize resource utilization.
This policy applies to the scheduling of all bookable learning spaces and resultant student and faculty timetables used for academic program delivery and learning activities at all RRC Polytech campuses. Meeting rooms and breakout rooms booked for non-instructional use are excluded from this policy.
Learning space at RRC Polytech is a valuable and shared resource, and it is managed by the institution in its best interest, according to the College’s mission, vision, values and strategy. The learning space scheduling function is designed to support RRC Polytech’s commitment to excellence in academic programming and course delivery through the creation of high-quality learning space schedules and student and faculty timetables. RRC Polytech is committed to supporting the requirements of all academic programming, course delivery and student learning through the efficient and effective scheduling of all bookable learning spaces, while ensuring high utilization and optimization of these spaces.
Academic Activity: Activities related to course and program learning outcomes that students are expected and scheduled to attend. Academic activities comprise activities both inside and outside a classroom setting, related to credentialed programs and courses, non-credentialed courses, pathway education, language training and apprenticeship skills training.
Academic Manager: The person assigned (usually by a Dean) with overseeing the learning space scheduling process from with an academic department or program area; for example, an Academic Chair or Program Manager.
Course-based Registration: Students self-register by course and section. Students are provided a list of courses and sections, and they register themselves into a course section of their choosing. Students are also able to use the system to plan their courses for future academic terms.
Course-based Scheduling: Academic departments determine how sections of each course to offer based on capacity per section, demand for the course and their ability to resource its delivery. Courses may be offered in each term (fall, winter, spring/summer) or only in specific terms based on demand and whether the courses are pre-requisite to subsequent courses. (Larger programs, student-wise, may be able to offer each program course in each academic term; smaller programs may be able to offer each course only once per academic year.)
Learning Space: Spaces where College-approved academic, instructional or research activity may be scheduled, including: classrooms, laptop classrooms, pod laptop classrooms, lecture theatres, labs shops, studios, simulation labs, in some cases gymnasia, and any other space required for learning activities and academic program delivery.
Scheduling Team: Staff who are assigned and responsible for creating the College’s learning space schedules.
Utilization Targets: Post-secondary institutional standards for space utilization of general learning spaces and specialized lab, shop, studio and simulation spaces.
The College will regularly review its learning spaces with a view to adapt or reconfigure them over time as program needs and course delivery modalities evolve, and to ensure optimal sizing and functionality.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.