Originator: Vice President – Finance and Administration
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: October 21, 2014
Replaces: September, 1998
RRC Polytech allows its facilities to be used for events or activities that fall beyond the scope of its statutory mandate. This Policy has been developed in order to list the terms, conditions and procedures to be followed when providing College facilities for such use.
RRC Polytech facilities exist to fulfill its mandate as set out in The Colleges Act (the “Act”). It is also recognized that the College is a member of a larger community, and that the Act empowers the College to manage and lease its facilities. The use of facilities may therefore be extended to purposes beyond the College’s statutory mandate, when doing so may enhance, support or further enrich the mandate of the College, in a manner that will not unreasonably interfere with its academic, administrative and student support activities. Such uses are bound by the procedures set forth in this Policy.
“Applicant” refers to a person who wishes to use Facilities for purposes other than those that have been assigned pursuant to “Policy U3 – Timetabling”. Applicants may include individuals (including College employees) and any non-College entities.
“Facilities” refers to any space that is owned or occupied by the College, including classrooms, boardrooms, meeting rooms, lecture theatres, gymnasiums, dining rooms, restaurants, cafeterias, lounges, laboratories, shops, hallways, outdoor spaces and other common use areas.
“Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator” means any RRC Polytech employee who has been given the responsibility or authority by the College to coordinate applications for the use of College facilities.
“Personal Use” shall mean use of Facilities (with permission of the responsible manager of the Facility in question) for the sole personal benefit of the employee. Personal Use will be infrequent, of short duration, will not pose a significant risk of physical injury, will not pose a significant risk of damage to the Facilities or equipment, and will not negatively impact employee productivity or the academic environment. Personal Use shall not contravene any other policy of the College, including Conflict of Interest policies.
Applicants shall complete an “Application for Use of Facilities” form, and deliver it to the applicable Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator. The form will list the Facilities that the Applicant wishes to use, the date(s) and time(s) of use, and the nature of the use contemplated by the Applicant.
Any special requests, including but not limited to rental rates and applicable fees, must be submitted along with the completed Application for Use of Facilities form.
Due to the unique nature of each event, the Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator, in consultation with other stakeholders, will assess each application and inform the Applicant whether their application has been granted. The Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator may consult with the Corporate Counsel in establishing the terms and conditions for the use of Facilities.
Where the application is approved, the Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator may advise the Applicant of additional terms and conditions which shall apply to the use of the Facilities.
College employees applying to use Facilities for Personal Use must submit a written endorsement from their supervisor, along with a completed Application for Use of Facilities form, to the appropriate Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator.
When considering whether to endorse an employee’s application, as contemplated under 4.05, the supervisor shall consider:
A supervisor may approve, revise, or deny an employee’s request. Where approval or revised approval is granted by the Supervisor, it must be submitted to the College employee in writing.
Once the endorsed Application for Use of Facilities form has been submitted by an employee, the Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator may approve or deny the application.
Employees and supervisors will each keep a copy of the supervisor’s approval of Personal Use for their respective records. Employees may be required to produce a copy of the Supervisor’s approval in order to confirm their eligibility to use Facilities for Personal Use.
Upon approving an employee’s application, the Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator shall forward a copy of the approved application to the employee’s supervisor.
The rental fee schedule shall be set by the Facilities Fee Rental Committee. Unless otherwise noted, rental rates shall account for the rental of space and all other recoverable costs.
Any set-up requirements, use of equipment or other services may result in additional charges.
Where an application has been approved, and the Applicant subsequently cancels the scheduled use of the Facility, a cancellation fee may be imposed.
Under no circumstances will Facilities be allocated to an individual, organization or business whose purpose is in direct competition with an existing College academic or administrative program or business operation.
The College reserves the right to deny use of Facilities to any individual or group for any purpose that is inconsistent with the College’s values.
The College does not necessarily share the views or beliefs of any individual or group permitted to use its Facilities.
Placing signs, advertising or promotion of any function or event may be restricted in accordance with policies or guidelines established by the College from time to time, and may require approval of the Director of College and Public Relations.
Applicants shall comply with all the Terms and Conditions made explicit by the Application for Use of Facilities form.
The use of Facilities shall comply with any terms and conditions that the Facilities or Campus Event Coordinator may advise the Applicant.
Applicants shall comply with all applicable College policies and protocols.
Violation of College policy, or the terms and conditions governing the use of the Facilities, may result in criminal, civil or other legal charges.
In addition to criminal, civil or other legal charges, employees who violate College policy, or the terms and conditions governing the use of the Facility, may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
In addition to criminal, civil or other legal charges, students who violate College policy, or the terms and conditions governing the use of the Facility, may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion.
Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act C.C.S.M. c. W210 and Regulations
Manitoba Labour and Immigration Workplace Safety and Health Code of Practice for Workers Working Alone or in Isolation
Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union Collective Agreement
2.0 Global Executive Limitation – Executive Limitation Board of Governors Policy Manual
C4 – Logo Usage
E1 – Safety
E7 – Personal Protective Equipment
E10 – Use of Equipment for Personal Use
E11 – Reporting of Accidents and Serious Incidents
E12 – Working Alone or in Isolation
P3 – Conflict of Interest
P4 – Conflict of Commitment
P5 – Ethical Behaviour
U2 – Space Use
U3 – Timetabling
U4 – Alcohol on College Premises
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.