Campus Living

Your Resident Assistant

What is a Resident Assistant?

The Resident Assistants (RAs) are live-in student team members of Campus Living. They are here to help you during your stay at RRC Polytech and work to support your personal, social, and academic growth. The goal of the RA is to help create a safe, healthy living and learning environment on your floor and in the residence.

When is my RA on-duty?

Each night, one RA is on-duty. From Monday – Thursday, they’re on duty from 6:00pm – 8:00am the next day. On weekends/holidays, an RA is on duty 24 hours a day.

When an RA is on-duty, please contact them by phone at 204-227-4617. They are a source of information, a peer-counselor who can help refer you to any resources on-campus you need, they provide great activities and programs, and they help keep the community accountable and respectful to each other.

If you are locked out of your room or need assistance, your on-duty RA is there to help!

When Should I Phone?

  • Lockouts
  • Questions
  • Noise Concerns
  • Emergency Situations
  • Breaches of the Community Standards
  • When I Need Someone Trustworthy to Talk to
  • When I Don’t Know Something and Need to Find the Answer

How Can I Contact Them?

Call or Text 204-227-4617

What can my RA do for me?

Role model

Your first move into residence can sometimes be a bit of a shock. Your RAs are here to ensure that you make a smooth transition. Remember that your RA is a resident too and has probably experienced a lot of the same things you have. RAs must have good grades and social skills, and hold strong and positive values about community life.


Conflict management, assertiveness, community responsibility, time management, and cultural understanding are issues that will, in some way, be addressed in residence. RAs are here to help you with any issue that comes your way through policy enforcement, programming, and informal peer counseling.

Community Builder

RAs strive to develop a community where residents respect one another, are concerned with the well-being of each other, and are civil in their interactions with one another.

Information Source

RAs keep bulletin boards up-to-date, hold monthly meetings, and consistently interact with other residents. They keep their cluster team members and Campus Living Office staff informed of issues in residence through staff meetings, one-on-one meetings, accurate incident documentation, and other written documentation.

Campus Resource Person

Many residents want to know what’s happening on campus, where they can go for help with writing a paper, where to go for counselling, etc. RAs help residents connect to the broader community within our College.

Community Standards

RAs don’t “get people in trouble” or “bust” residents; part of their job involves upholding policy and educating students about responsible community living. Living in a large community takes a lot of consideration and respect for your neighbors. RAs will help ensure the Rules of Residence Living are upheld to hold residents accountable to their actions, as well as inform them of how their actions impact the community. Incidents will be documented and it is encouraged for residents to take responsibility for their actions if there is a negative impact on the community. Overall, RAs ensure residents have access to clean, quiet, and comfortable housing, while striving to be as approachable as possible. Their own personal relationships with residents should never affect how they approach policy enforcement.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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