Technology Access Centre for Aerospace and Manufacturing

Frequently Asked Questions

Is TACAM the right solution for my organization?

TACAM can help you develop innovative solutions in the manufacturing and aerospace industries through three core service categories: (1) applied research and development, (2) technical and business services, and (3) training and technology diffusion. To learn more about our services and expertise, click here.

To check out the eligibility criteria, please go to How to Get Involved and see Step 1: Eligibility Criteria.

What’s the first step?

Start a project with TACAM by getting in touch with us. If you want to know all the steps on how to get involved, check out this page. Our team is ready to listen to your needs and shape a custom solution for your project, or to book a tour of our facilities.

Who works on our projects?

Assignment into project roles will depend on the personnel’s skills and areas of expertise. Team members with scientific and technical expertise will usually be part of initial discussions with potential clients. Potential projects will be evaluated against the TAC’s equipment capability, scientific / technical expertise, product portfolios and financial feasibility.

If the project is feasible, the TAC Director and the scientific / technical team will work with the potential client to determine the scope, objective and deliverables. The TAC Director will then formalize agreements / contracts and costing for the project in collaboration with members of the College’s legal and finance teams. A scientific / technical team member will oversee the project activities and deliverables and serve as the project lead. Progress and financials will be tracked and monitored by a project coordinator in consultation with the project lead.

Faculty’s participation (in specialized trainings and research activities) and student internship are parts of TACAM’s projects. TACAM works with RRC Polytech’s academic department heads to coordinate faculty and student involvement.

Who has intellectual property?

RRC Polytech offers flexible royalty-free intellectual property agreements. The College typically grants commercial rights to the private sector partner while retaining rights for further research and education. In addition, the College routinely accommodates non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect clients’ trade secrets and other confidential information.

How much will the project cost?

The price for a typical service depends significantly on the type of service, the personnel involved (engineer, technician), the length of time and/or the number of items required.

Estimates for the overall cost of applied research projects are usually based on research personnel rates / salaries, faculty release time, materials and equipment needed, cost of travel and knowledge dissemination, department overhead and other justifiable project expenses.

Is there funding available for my project?

In many cases, different sources of funding are considered for the project, depending on the nature and size of the project, proposed timelines and private sector cash being leveraged. In other cases, especially in the case of services and contract training, the private sector collaborator pays 100% of the cost of the project. Once the project is clearly defined and funding is secured, TACAM will kick-start the project.

What’s in it for TACAM stakeholders?

RRC Polytech (RRC Polytech) continues to seek ways to introduce feedback from the TACAM’s activities into curriculum development. RRC Polytech students have access to the College’s industrial campuses where they learn from the demonstration of production-ready capital equipment.

Faculty participation in TAC activities create opportunities for professional developments and acquisition of skills in advanced technologies, which, in turn, shape students experience.

Through applied research engagements, our research personnel also keep themselves conversant with industrial processes and developments.

Industry projects introduce students to careers in research and development.

The College’s graduate students also benefit from internships available through TACAM.

The community benefits from stronger partnerships and additional resources that expands capacity of our local and regional industries.

Industry benefits from the College’s industry-friendly intellectual property agreements. The College contributes a significant portion of Manitoba’s labour force in different areas of advanced technologies.

The government benefits from stimulating flexible and quick industry expansion, while facilitating knowledge transfer, access to resources and regional economic prosperity.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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