Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

E13 – Violence Prevention

Policy Owner: Chief Human Resources Officer
Approver: President and CEO
Date Approved: December 2024

See the E13 – Violence Prevention Procedures ›

1. Purpose


Red River College Polytechnic (“RRC Polytech”) is committed to providing a safe and violence-free work and learning environment for staff, students and all members of the College Community.


This Policy establishes measures to prevent and minimize the risk of violent incidents on RRC Polytech Campuses and to comply with the requirements of The Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations.

2. Definitions


“Appropriate Administrator” refers to the RRC Polytech employee who has the authority to take or ensure the taking of corrective action in the event of a breach of this Policy. In the case of an employee, the Appropriate Administrator will usually be the employee’s Manager. In the case of a student, the Appropriate Administrator will usually be the Program Chair.


“College Community” includes:

  1. Current RRC Polytech employees, students and alumni;
  2. Prospective RRC Polytech students, applicants, and their representatives;
  3. The RRC Polytech Students’ Association and its employees;
  4. Members of the RRC Polytech Board of Governors;
  5. Representatives of RRC Polytech partners and agents;
  6. Visitors to RRC Polytech;
  7. Tenants of RRC Polytech;
  8. Persons living in a RRC Polytech residence;
  9. Independent contractors engaged to perform services by RRC Polytech on RRC Polytech property;
  10. All others present in or participating in the RRC Polytech workplace or learning environment or participating in RRC Polytech’s business.


“College Matter” includes any activity, event, or undertaking in which a member of the College Community participates, which has a substantial connection to RRC Polytech, such as:

  1. College-related activities or events, including but not limited to:
    1. Any activity or event on property owned or controlled by RRC Polytech.
    2. The leasing of space, including student residence rooms, on property owned or controlled by RRC Polytech.
    3. The offering of any service by RRC Polytech, including educational services.
    4. Student placements, practicum, or clinical training.
    5. College research activities, whether on or off any College campus.
    6. Social events or networking, where matters regarding RRC Polytech, or members of the College Community are a significant focus of the activity.
    7. College field trips, service-learning activities, and similar activities.
  2. Activities or events involving members of the College Community, where the actions of those members of the College Community may reasonably reflect upon or affect RRC Polytech, including but not limited to:
    1. Any aspect of the employment or engagement of employees and contractors for roles and projects substantially connected to RRC Polytech.
    2. Participation on a committee or board as a representative of RRC Polytech.
    3. Writings, photographs, artwork, audio or video recordings, and/or electronic communications, including communications through social media, where matters regarding RRC Polytech, or members of the College Community are a significant focus of the communication.
    4. Matters of off-campus conduct that have, or might reasonably be seen to have, an adverse effect on the proper functioning of RRC Polytech or the rights of a member of the College Community to use and enjoy RRC Polytech’s Workplace and Learning Environment.
  3. For greater certainty, members of the College Community, including employees and students, can still be engaged in a College Matter even when they are not physically present on campus. This can include:
    1. While engaged in remote teaching or learning, whether by video, phone, message board, internet chat, or some other mode of communication.
    2. When corresponding with other members of the College Community including students, faculty, or staff, whether by email or another method, electronic or otherwise (including social media).
    3. When attending video meetings or calls with students, colleagues, or staff.
    4. When using online learning platforms.
    5. At conferences or other off-campus events or meetings.
    6. While at working lunches or dinners.


“Employee” means any person who is in an employment relationship with RRC Polytech.


“Investigator” means the RRC Polytech Employee assigned to investigate a complaint of violence. Depending on the circumstances surrounding a given incident of violence, a complaint of violence will be investigated by either a member of the Human Resource Service team, the SHSS team or the Legal and Compliance team.


“Regulation” means The Workplace Safety and Health Regulation, M.R. 217/2006.


“The Workplace Safety and Health Act” means The Workplace Safety and Health Act, CCSM c W210


“SHSS” means Safety, Health and Security Services.


“Student” means any person undergoing a program of study or training at RRC Polytech.


“Violence,” as defined by The Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations, means the attempted or actual exercise of physical force against a person or any threatening statement or behaviour that gives a person reasonable cause to believe that physical force will be used against the person.


“Workplace Safety and Health Committee” means a committee established in accordance with The Workplace Safety and Health Act.

3. Application


This Policy applies to:

  1. all members of the College Community; and
  2. any physical or electronic environment where any College Matter occurs.

4. Policy


Violent and threatening behaviour is not permitted under any circumstances within the College Community. Members of the College Community are prohibited from engaging in such behaviour while on an RRC Polytech campus or engaged in a College Matter. RRC Polytech will take all reasonable steps to respond to such conduct accordingly and impose appropriate consequences.


RRC Polytech shall maintain procedures that set out the measures to be taken to minimize the risk of violence, including procedures for summoning immediate assistance when an incident of violence occurs, reporting procedures, and investigation procedures to follow when reporting an incident of violence.


RRC Polytech recognizes that certain areas within RRC Polytech may have a higher risk of exposure to violence and threats of violence. RRC Polytech shall continue to assess the risks of violence as far as reasonably possible and implement measures to minimize those risks.


RRC Polytech has the right to impose consequences for any Member of the College Community who engages in violence contrary to this Policy as set out in this Policy and Procedures.

5. Responsibilities


The Chief Human Resource Officer is responsible for ensuring the development of appropriate Procedures and Codes of Practice and approving them under this Policy.


SHSS is responsible for:

  1. Responding to incidents of violence and taking the immediate measures necessary to ensure the safety of the members of the College Community.
  2. Preparing annual reports on violent incidents and providing reports to the Workplace Safety and Health Committee.
  3. Liaising with the departments and programs to develop and implement necessary control measures to minimize the risk of violent incidents.
  4. Assisting any employee subjected to violence in submitting a claim to the Worker’s Compensation Board when required.


The Investigator is responsible for investigating incidents of violence in a procedurally fair, unbiased, impartial and timely manner in accordance with the Procedures.


Managers shall have the responsibility to:

  1. Review the Violence Prevention Policy and Procedure with Employees within their areas of responsibility and inform them about the nature and extent of the risk of violence in their work area; and
  2. Report all incidents of violence or threats to Security Services.


Instructors shall have the responsibility to:

  1. Review the Violence Prevention Policy with their students and inform them about the nature and extent of the risk of violence within the learning environment; and
  2. Report all incidents of violence or threats to Security Services.


The Workplace Safety and Health Committee shall have the responsibility to:

  1. Provide feedback on the Violence Prevention Policy and Procedure; and
  2. Review RRC Polytech’s annual violence report.


Employees have the responsibility to:

  1. Conduct themselves in a manner free from violence and comply with RRC Polytech’s Violence Prevention and Procedures; and
  2. Report any acts of violence or threats to their manager or Security Services.


Students and other members of the College Community shall:

  1. Conduct themselves in a manner free from violence and comply with RRC Polytech’s Violence Prevention and Procedures; and
  2. Report any acts of violence or threats to an instructor, manager or Security Services.

6. Breach


Failure to comply with this Policy and its associated Procedure may result in disciplinary action, including termination or expulsion.


In the event of any alleged breach of this Policy or its associated Procedures, RRC Polytech may take immediate and necessary interim measures to ensure the safety and health of members of the College Community before investigating the alleged breach. Such interim measures do not determine the validity of the allegation.


RRC Polytech may take additional steps to protect members of the College Community from Violence, including limiting or barring access to RRC Polytech.

7. Review Period


This Policy will be reviewed and updated every five years.

8. Related Documents

  1. Policy H1 – Respectful Workplace and Learning Environment
  2. Policy S1– Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities
  3. Policy S2– Student Discipline
  4. Policy S5 – At-Risk Students
  5. The Workplace Safety and Health Act C.C.S.M c W210
  6. Workplace Safety and Health Regulation MB. Reg 217/2006
  7. Safety, Health and Security Services Codes of Practice
  8. Safe Work Procedures

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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