Originator: Dean of Student Services
Approver: Senior Academic Committee
Effective: April 22, 2016
Replaces: New
From time to time, the College becomes aware of current, former or prospective students who have demonstrated behaviours or have unique circumstances that may reasonably cause a concern for the safety of themselves or others.
In order to ensure the safety and support of all members of the College Community, the College will take proactive measures to address At-Risk Students in the manner prescribed by this Policy.
Where any employee of the College becomes aware of an At-Risk Student, the existence and details of the At-Risk Student will be immediately shared to the Chair of the BIT. Matters related to the At-Risk Student will be handled in accordance with the Procedures and Responsibilities stated in this policy. If harm appears imminent, the employee will contact Security Services immediately.
At-Risk Student – refers to any current, former or prospective student of RRC Polytech who has demonstrated previous behaviour or has circumstances that create a reasonable perception that the student is at a materially increased risk to harm members of the College Community or to be harmed by others. For reference, examples of harm are noted within the RRC Polytech Worrisome Behaviour Protocol.
BIT – refers to the Behavioural Intervention Team that is chaired by the Dean of Student Services or designate and whose terms of reference and membership have been established by the Dean of Student Services and updated from time to time by BIT.
Chair of BIT – refers to the Dean of Student Services or designate.
College Community – refers to students, staff or any other individuals or class of individuals typically found on a RRC Polytech campus or offsite engaged in a College sanctioned activity.
Where an employee of the College becomes aware of a student who may fall within the definition of an “At-Risk Student,” the employee will provide all available information related to the student to the Chair of BIT in a confidential manner. The employee will cooperate with all requests of the Chair of BIT with respect to the potential At-Risk Student.
Upon the collection of all available information, where the Chair of BIT reasonably perceives that the information collected indicates that the student may fall within the definition of an At-Risk Student, the Chair will convene a meeting of the BIT as soon as is reasonably practicable. In addition, the Chair of BIT will invite such other resources as may be advisable in the circumstances.
At the BIT meeting, the BIT will:
Without exception, implementation of the BIT plan with respect to an At-Risk Student is not optional, and all College employees will comply with the details of the plan and assist with the implementation in a timely and diligent manner.
College Employees are responsible for notifying the Chair of BIT of anyone that could reasonably be perceived to fall within the definition of “At-Risk Student” and will provide all relevant information and documentation related to such student as the Chair of BIT requires. College Employees will comply with the BIT plan of action and assist in implementation of same in a timely and diligent manner.
The Chair of BIT is responsible for convening meetings of BIT as required to assess situations involving At-Risk Students and to Chair meetings of the BIT.
BIT will be responsible for assessing situations involving At-Risk Students, making recommendations to address and best manage the At-Risk Student’s situation, monitoring and following up on the implementation of such recommendations and making such further recommendations as may be in the best interests of the College.
RRC Polytech Protocol for Worrisome Behaviour
A2 – Criminal Records Checks
A9 – Professional Suitability
A28 – Academic Accommodation
E1 – Safety
E13 – Violence Prevention
G3 – Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
H1 – Discrimination and Harassment
S1 – Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities
S2 – Student Discipline
S3 – Student Appeals
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.