Assessment Services

Assessment Services

Academic Communications Assessment

The Academic Communications Assessment (ACA) is used for entry into the following Community Services programs: Child and Youth Care, Disability and Community Support, Early Childhood Education (ECE), and ECE Workplace.

This assessment should be completed before applying for a Community Services program to ensure you meet the required levels.

Test Details

Note: This test is eligible to be completed in-person at the Assessment Centre or online (remotely). See registration page for details.

The Academic Communication Assessment (ACA) is a pre-application admission requirement for Community Services programs. The ACA tests your ability to read and write at post-secondary college level. You will read a short article and will then write a five-paragraph essay based on what you have read.

Details of the assessment:

  • It tests your comprehension of a reading related to your RRC Polytech program of interest.
  • It tests your writing skills through the completion of a five-paragraph essay writing task.

You will have 90 minutes to complete the assessment.

Assessment Rubric

The essay you complete will be graded on the following rubric:

  1. Content Development (how well you engage with the topic). 
  2. Conventions of the Genre (if you write a five-paragraph essay including an introduction and conclusion).  
  3. Cohesion and Coherence (how well your sentences and paragraphs are organized). 
  4. Mechanics and Expression (how accurate your spelling, punctuation, and grammar are). 

Each criterion is out of 5 marks, for a total of 20 marks.

A. Content Development

5 Marks

  • There is sophisticated and thorough discussion of ideas that shows a highly proficient understanding of the topic.

4 Marks

  • There is a thorough discussion of ideas that shows a proficient understanding of the topic.

3 Marks

  • There is a relevant discussion of ideas that shows understanding of the topic.

2 Marks

  • There is a superficial discussion of ideas that is mostly relevant and shows some understanding of the topic.

1 Mark

  • There is a simple discussion of ideas that shows a basic understanding of the topic.

0 Marks

  • Does not meet criteria for a ‘1’
B. Conventions of the Genre

5 Marks

  • The essay has a fully developed introduction with a well-crafted thesis. Body paragraphs are evenly developed. There is a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas and synthesizes information.

4 Marks

  • The essay includes an introduction with an effective thesis and a conclusion that summarizes the main ideas. Three body paragraphs have been written but some paragraphs may not be sufficiently developed.

3 Marks

  • The essay includes an introduction with an adequate thesis and a conclusion. Only two body paragraphs have been written.

2 Marks

  • The essay includes a basic introduction or a basic conclusion. Only one body paragraph has been written.

1 Mark

  • The essay does not include an introduction or a conclusion. Only one body paragraph has been written.

0 Marks

  • Does not meet criteria for a ‘1’
C. Cohesion and Coherence

5 Marks

  • Paragraphs are structured in a sophisticated way. Links between paragraphs clearly advance the argument. A range of connecting and cohesive phrases are used skillfully. There is a highly effective progression of ideas.

4 Marks

  • Paragraphs are well-structured. Links between paragraphs are present. Connecting and cohesive phrases are used effectively. There is a logical progression of ideas.

3 Marks

  • Paragraphs are adequately structured. There may be links between paragraphs. Connecting and cohesive phrases are used adequately. There is a logical progression of ideas, but this may be uneven.

2 Marks

  • There is some sense of paragraph structure. There may be no links between paragraphs. There are few connecting/cohesive phrases. There is inconsistent logical progression of ideas.

1 Mark

  • There is a limited understanding of paragraph structure. There are no links between paragraphs. The overall structure is lacking, with limited logical progression of ideas.

0 Marks

  • Does not meet criteria for a ‘1’
D.  Mechanics & Expression

5 Marks

  • There is a sophisticated and controlled use of language. Minor errors may be present, but only in ambitious use of language and sentence structure.

4 Marks

  • There is an effective and controlled use of language with few errors in expression.

3 Marks

  • There is clear and straightforward use of language, with some errors in expression.

2 Marks

  • The use of language is mostly clear but with frequent errors.

1 Mark

  • The use of language impedes understanding; meaning is unclear.

0 Marks

  • Does not meet criteria for a ‘1’


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