Communications and Marketing

Parking Updates at NDC for Fall 2023

June 9, 2023

In fall of 2022, the Zone Permit program was introduced at Notre Dame Campus. Over the last year, we’ve collected data, taken feedback, reviewed zones and pain points, and are excited to announce several improvements that will come into effect on September 1, 2023.

Here’s a quick summary of changes:

  • Designating specific lots for daily parking;
  • Designating specific lots for permit holders;
  • Creating an additional zone: North, West, Central (Staff Only), and South;
  • Renaming the lots for easier navigation; and
  • Updating the process for electric vehicle and accessible spots.

Daily and guest parking

Each zone, aside from Central, will have designated daily parking areas for those who purchase daily or hourly parking. Angood Road (updated name: South 3) Northeast (updated name: North 1) and West 1 will be designated guest and daily parking areas. Please see map below for specifics.

Permit holder only lots

Each zone will have dedicated permit holder only lots. Only those with an active permit for that zone will be able to park within those lots. Daily and guest parkers will be required to park in the designated Daily areas on campus.

Additional zone

An additional zone has been added, and there are now four zones to select from. The South lot (updated name: South 1) and East lot (updated name: South 2) will now fall under the South zone. All lot names will be updated to align with the new zones and make it easier to navigate around campus. Maps will be posted online and across campus beginning August 1, 2023. Please see map below for specifics.

Staff-only zone

The new Central parking zone will now become a staff-only permit zone due to its layout and stall configuration. All other zones will remain shared between staff and students. The South and East lots will no longer be a part of the Central zone as they will fall under the new South zone. 

Updated process for electric vehicle and accessible spots

All parkers who drive an electric vehicle (EV) and wish to charge while onsite will be required to purchase either a power permit or daily/hourly parking pass. Electric vehicle parkers will then be able to charge in any available EV stall regardless of zone. Once your charge is complete, you will be required to move back into a spot within your permit zone to support all EV parkers.

All permit holders who require permanent accessible parking will be asked to reach out to Commuting and Parking Office directly to begin the registration process. All temporary requests should be directed Lori Walkow in Accessibility Services.

As the parking program evolves, we want to ensure our commitment to not oversell any permits or zones. If you have any questions, please contact and we’ll be happy to help you! 

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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