Approver: President and CEO
Policy Owner: Chief Human Resource Officer
Date Approved: January 30, 2025
This Policy clarifies the conditions under which Employees may carry over unused vacation for retirement purposes.
“Employee”: Any person in an employment relationship with Red River College Polytechnic.
“Vacation Carryover”: means the transfer of unused vacation from one fiscal year to another fiscal year.
This Policy applies to all Employees wishing to carry over unused vacation to receive a payout upon retirement. Employees wishing to carry over unused vacation for other purposes should review Policy H6 – Vacation Carryover.
Notwithstanding Policy H6 – Vacation Carryover, Employees with a retirement date within five years or less are eligible to carry over accrued vacation credit to be paid out upon retirement in accordance with the following guidelines:
Employees wishing to carry over vacation for payout upon retirement must complete the request form. The request must be approved by their Dean/Director (or the appropriate level of approval). If an Employee reports directly to the President, approval from the President is required. The request form shall be completed annually to confirm the previously approved and/or new vacation carryover.
Where an Employee wishes to change their retirement date or withdraw their notice of retirement, they must submit a written request to the Dean/Director (or the appropriate level of approval), providing the reason for the change. If the request is approved, any vacation credit initially set aside for retirement will be returned to the Employee’s vacation balance. The Employee must plan to use the returned vacation days within the fiscal year.
The Chief Human Resource Officer is responsible for developing procedures under this Policy
Deans/Directors are responsible for:
If the Employee making the request is at the Dean/Director level or above, their manager will be responsible for performing the roles set out in 5.2
Human Resource Services is responsible for providing guidance to Employees to ensure compliance with this Policy.
Employees are responsible for following the process outlined in this Policy to carry over vacation for retirement purposes.
This Policy will be reviewed and updated as required within five (5) years of its approval.
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.