Originator: Safety and Health Services
Approver: Senior Leadership Team
Effective: January 1, 2020
Replaces: February 11, 2014
This Smoking Policy sets out requirements regarding smoking on RRC Polytech (the “College”) campuses in order to:
Unless context dictates otherwise, in this Policy, the following definitions apply:
This Policy applies to all members of the College community, including but not limited to, students, faculty, staff, contractors, visitors and volunteers.
The College is committed to a smoke-free campus environment.
Subject only to the exceptions set forth in part 5 below, smoking is prohibited on all College owned, leased and/or occupied buildings, property and grounds under its control. This smoking prohibition covers, but is not limited to, all enclosed public places and outdoor public places. Leased and/or occupied buildings and grounds may be subject to lessor or third party smoking policies; the College Smoking Policy shall govern all College-controlled spaces.
Where individuals choose to smoke on third party property adjacent to College owned, leased and/or occupied buildings, property and/or grounds, such individuals shall show courtesy and consideration for others and be respectful of both this Policy and any third party rules, requirements and policies.
Smoking in any vehicle, including, but not limited to, fleet vehicles, patrol vehicles or otherwise, operated by the College is prohibited. Smoking in private vehicles but on College property remains prohibited.
It is illegal to sell or supply tobacco to persons under 18 years of age and cannabis to persons under 19 years of age. The sale of cannabis is not permitted at the College. The sale of tobacco, tobacco products and electronic cigarettes will be available at limited locations as approved by the College.
Smoking is not permitted in student residences.
The cultivation of cannabis plants is prohibited in College property and in student residences.
Subject to approved medical accommodation, the use or consumption of cannabis or cannabis-containing products by College employees (faculty, staff and contractors) during working hours is prohibited.
Nothing in this Smoking Policy restricts:
Students, faculty, staff, contractors, visitors and volunteers who require medical accommodation that includes the use of medical cannabis, and who have been authorized by the College, may only smoke cannabis in a space designated by the College with appropriate ventilation, and must be prepared to provide supporting medical documentation in support of their request for accommodation.
The College shall ensure that a sufficient number of signs are conspicuously posted so as to clearly identify that smoking is prohibited as outlined in this Smoking Policy.
Everyone at the College is responsible for ensuring compliance with this College Smoking Policy.
Security Services may enforce the terms of this Smoking Policy and any failure to comply with the terms hereof may result in ejection from College property and disciplinary action in the case of students, faculty, staff, contractors, and volunteers.
No exception may be made to this Policy without the consent of Safety and Health Services or other designated authority (Human Resources).
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.