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Policies and Corporate Legal

A29 – Research and Scholarly Activity

Originator: Vice President, Academic and Research
Approver: Senior Academic Committee
Effective: February 14, 2012
Replaces: New

1. Preamble

The College recognizes the value of Research and Scholarly Activity in supporting academic excellence, the teaching and learning process, and the advancement of innovation internally in the College and externally in the broad community.

The College considers Research and Scholarly Activity as important activities for the continuing quality of academic programming, the advancement of applied knowledge and learning, the training of students, and meeting the needs of industry, business and the community.

2. Policy

The College will promote, encourage and sustain a broadly defined Research and Scholarly Activity program that is consistent with the vision, mission and strategic objectives of the College, and is directly related to the economic and social needs of its communities. Research and Scholarly Activity at the College will incorporate a broad range of Research and Scholarship, including, Applied Research, developmental Research, discipline-based Research and Research focused on teaching and learning.

The College will emphasize Applied Research and learning in its overall Research initiative as essential for its role in fostering innovation and contributing to overall knowledge transfer and technology diffusion for the economic and social good of society.

The College will pursue the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning as a strategy to improve teaching practice and advance learning all within the overall Scholarly Activity initiative.

Individual faculty and staff members are encouraged to undertake Applied Research and Scholarly Activity as an enhancement to the curriculum, as a further connection to industry and business, and to improve the teaching and learning process. Research enriches the applied learning environment for students, helps train the next generation of Researchers, and provides the community with graduates with an innovation edge.

3. Definitions

“Applied Research” is the application of new or existing knowledge to solving real-world challenges. It is a Research activity that seeks to utilize, synthesize, or apply existing knowledge, information or resources to the resolution of a specific question or issue. A fundamental principle of Applied Research is that it leads to practical benefits in the near term.

“Basic Research” is focused on the discovery of new knowledge. It involves the generation of new knowledge, must pass peer review, generally includes the involvement of graduate students, and may or may not have immediate application.

“Research” is a systematic investigation to establish facts, principles or generalizable knowledge. Research is the attempt to discover new facts, knowledge, & information, to develop new interpretations of facts, knowledge or information, or to discover new means of applying existing knowledge in all disciplines.

“Scholarly Activity” is an encompassing term across a wide spectrum of the applications of systematic approaches to the development and application of knowledge through intellectual inquiry and communication. It is the work and process of inquiry or creativity that results in: a) the discovery of new knowledge; b) the application of knowledge; c) the development of new technologies, methods, devices, processes, materials, or uses; or d) the integration of knowledge leading to new understanding.

Scholarly Activity includes: traditional discipline-based Research (either Basic or Applied) in the natural or social sciences, Scholarship within the arts and humanities, Research within the professions, developmental activities, and teaching-based Research, along with creative works related to the teaching discipline. This includes interdisciplinary / inter-professional Scholarly Activity.

Broadly speaking, Scholarly Activity means using formal approaches to inquiry and application – using validated techniques of inquiry and reflection to guide study, ensuring quality, and having some form of dissemination and review of findings. It includes all forms of Research, the dissemination of knowledge through such means as publications and presentations, and the application of new knowledge in professional practice and student learning. Appendix A provides a partial denotative definition of “Scholarly Activity.”

“Scholarship” is a multi-faceted, disciplined and rigorous activity involving the creation, integration, application, synthesis or dissemination of knowledge. It is a systematic study of a chosen subject characterized by a high level of expertise, originality, critical analysis, significance, and demonstrability. It is the cognitive process of acquiring and applying knowledge.

“Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” (SoTL) is a form of Scholarly Activity and is an undertaking intended to extend knowledge of the teaching and learning process through practitioner-based, controlled inquiry or systematic investigation and the sharing and review of findings with peers. It is scholarly Research and systematic study of the teaching and learning processes and teaching practices that advance student learning. SoTL encompasses excellence in teaching and scholarly teaching but embeds this in a Research methodology that contributes to building the knowledge base about teaching and learning.

4. Principles and Guidelines

4.1 Principles

The principles for Research and Scholarly Activity at the College are:

  • The evolving expectations of governments and the community are that the College not only provides education through teaching and learning but also provides Applied Research and knowledge application to improve economic and social development.
  • All faculty and staff should have the opportunity to participate in Scholarly Activity, broadly defined, but no one should be forced to participate, or to participate in a particular way. The initiative will be cognizant of the need for faculty and staff to focus on their current teaching and job responsibilities.
  • The College will focus on areas applicable to the needs and concerns of local and regional industries and communities and for which faculty and staff have the expertise and interests.
  • The College will encourage and support Research /Scholarly Activity that involves students and will prepare them for future employment. Student participation in various forms of Research, be it Applied Research and/or Scholarly Activity, enriches the learning experience for students, provides students with Research opportunities, and enhances the expertise of faculty.
  • The College values teaching as the prime focus of faculty and encourages Research and Scholarly Activity in support of teaching and the economic and social progress of Manitoba.
  • The College, within its means, will seek to provide the opportunities, infrastructure, and facilities to support and maintain a high level of Research and Scholarly Activity.
  • Collaborative Research with industrial partnerships is a key component of Research at the College.
  • Scholarly Activity is encouraged for faculty development and continued improvement in their discipline and in their teaching.
  • The conduct of Scholarly Activity will follow the standards of ethical Research practice.
  • Scholarly Activity will be built on partnerships with industry, the community, other educational institutions, and other stakeholders to ensure continuing relevance.
  • A fundamental purpose of the College is to promote and build excellence in teaching in all academic programs and to ensure excellence in student learning inside and outside the classroom. SoTL is an accessible and inclusive approach to encouraging Scholarly Activity by focusing on improving teaching and learning.

4.2 Guidelines

All Research and Scholarly Activities will comply with the College’s Research Policies.

All Research and Scholarly Activities will be congruent with the College’s Strategic Research Plan and to the Academic School Research Plan.

The College will consider and support the Research and Scholarly Activities as it is able within the constraints of funding and in accordance with College strategic priorities in the following ways:

  • Support grant programs to fund Research/Scholarly Activity.
  • Help in grant applications, advice on Research design and methods, and provide mentorships.
  • Provide seminars, workshops and internal conferences on Research / Scholarly Activity.
  • Support a Researcher/scholar in residence.
  • Provide Research facilities, abs and shops.
  • Provide internships or other support programs to engage students in Research / Scholarly Activity.
  • Recognize the work off aculty/Researchers.
  • Establish return to work agreements with industry for faculty and staff to conduct Applied Research.
  • Create Research positions.

The emphasis at the College in support of Research and Scholarly Activity will be on those activities that:

  • Support program curriculum.
  • Provide experience for students in conducting Applied Researchor engaging in Scholarly Activity and builds overall Research capability in students.
  • Support student understanding of the needs of the workplace including innovation.
  • Link knowledgeable and experienced faculty and staff with industry / business / the community.
  • Build the ongoing knowledge and the knowledge application capability of College staff.
  • Follow, adhere to and accede to the standard quality assurance measures for Research and Scholarly Activity.
  • Capture Research funding from external sources.
  • Are led by Schools and the College’s Applied Research Centres and supported by Applied Research and Commercialization Office
  • Support faculty professional development.

Related Policies

R1 – Research Involving Human Subjects
R2 – Integrity in Research and Scholarship
R3 – Animal Care and Research Policy
R4 – Conflict of Interest in Research Policy
R5 – Students Rights in the Conduct of Research Policy
R6 – Research in the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut Policy
R7 – Research Involving Biohazards and Radioactive Materials R8 – Applied Research Administration
R9 – Approval to Forward an Application for Research Funds to an External Sponsor

Appendix A

Research and Scholarly Activities cross the full spectrum of types (basic, applied, educational, policy, quantitative, qualitative, creative) and include [but are not limited to]:

  • Writing and designing courses, including the creation of technological materials;
  • Preparing and publishing books, monographs and contributions in edited books;
  • Preparing, publishing and presenting papers in refereed and non-refereed journals and professional meetings;
  • Consulting and contracting work under the auspices of the College, and other professional activities involving Research;
  • Participating on panels;
  • Conducting unpublished research, including work in progress;
  • Providing editorial and refereeing services;
  • Creating creative works and performances;
  • Conducting or participating in formal Research studies;
  • Preparing formal Research protocols and proposals;
  • Securing internal and/or external grants;
  • Writing, translating, and publishing, for example: books, articles peer-refereed journals, chapters in monographs or books, book reviews in academic journals, papers in a collection of published conference papers, refereed on-line publications, juried abstracts;
  • Developing educational materials with wide application, including textbooks and online learning objects;
  • Delivering poster presentations at juried conferences;
  • Innovation in pedagogy and andragogy
  • Under taking Advanced degree studies;
  • Translating and reformulating knowledge for new applications;
  • Conducting Applied Scholarship through problem solving practices, innovation, product development (tools, handbooks, manuals, software, etc);
  • Developing, patenting or transferring technology in support of commercialization;
  • Participating in technology transfer and commercialization activities with industry, business and the community;
  • Undertaking any other Research or Scholarly Activities which the College considers and which are generally considered to be Research or Scholarly Activities by the academic community.

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