Originator: Chief Human Resource Officer
Approver: President and CEO
Effective Date: June 6, 2024
See the H12 – Remote Work Procedures ›
RRC Polytech is committed to fostering a safe, productive, engaged, and inclusive workforce, and recognizes that flexible work arrangements, such as the ability to work remotely, can be mutually beneficial to employees and the College. This policy and the related procedures establish the conditions in which voluntary, remote work arrangements will be considered, and the roles and expectations involved where such arrangements are approved.
The policy enables and supports the development of well-managed remote work arrangements, where such arrangements are appropriate, considering the nature of the work being performed, the College’s operational requirements, and the College’s commitment to delivering high quality education experiences and services. The policy covers the typical remote work arrangements available at the College.
The purpose of this policy, and its accompanying procedures, is to facilitate the implementation of remote work arrangements, where appropriate. The policy sets out the broad expectations for the College, management and employees around remote work including:
The policy promotes fairness, due process, and well-being for all College employees, while recognizing and addressing the many considerations that must be made in approving and administering remote work arrangements.
“Management” or “Manager” refers to an individual who is responsible for managing employees within a particular department or academic program at the College. Management may include an Executive Director, Director, Dean, Manager, Chair, or equivalents.
“College Worksite” means any College-occupied building, site, mobile vehicle, or any other premises or location whether indoors or outdoors in which one or more employees, or self-employed persons, are engaged in work or have worked.
“Remote Work” is a work arrangement in which some or all of the work by an employee is performed from home or another approved off-site location, usually with the aid of technology resources such as a telephone, laptop, and other technology tools. At the College, the types of remote work include: Periodic Remote Work, Blended Remote Work, Primary Remote Work and Critical Situation Remote Work. Remote work changes an employee’s work location. Remote work does not change an employee’s hours of work or basic terms and conditions of employment with the College.
“Remote Work Agreement” is an approved arrangement between the College and an employee for the employee to work remotely. The agreement shall stipulate whether the remote work arrangement is for an ongoing basis or for a specified period. Typically, the agreement will be in writing, unless the remote work arrangement is due to a critical situation.
“Workplace” is any place where an employee is engaged in work for their employer. This includes locations where work is being performed outdoors, on third-party premises or from the employee’s home. An approved remote workplace such as a home office, is considered and is an extension of the workplace.
This policy covers the typical conditions under which remote work for an employee will be considered at the College. While remote work is a type of flexible work arrangement, this policy does not govern other forms of flexible work arrangements such as flextime, compressed work week, reduced work week or job sharing.
Remote work does not change the employee’s employment relationship with the College, nor does it relieve an employee from the obligation to observe all applicable College rules, policies, and procedures. All existing terms and conditions of employment as set out in the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and/or the employee’s employment agreement, including but not limited to the position description, salary, benefits, vacation, sick leave, and overtime pay, remain the same as if the employee worked exclusively at a College worksite.
This policy applies to all employees of the College, including faculty/instructors and non-academic staff; however, not all positions can be performed remotely or are suitable in all situations for remote work. Remote work requests will be considered by management in accordance with this policy and its associated procedures.
In the case of faculty, any pre-existing authorization to perform certain administrative duties associated with a faculty role remotely–for example marking, performing research for course or curriculum development previously identified and agreed upon by management and employee –is deemed approved under this Policy and does not require further application or approval.
Although remote work may be an appropriate accommodation for an employee with medical, family care or other human rights-related needs, this policy does not supersede the College’s usual processes for employee accommodations and does not govern remote work as an accommodation. All requests for accommodation (medical or otherwise) shall follow the established HR procedures.
This policy is intended for use during regular College operations. In the event of a critical situation, remote work may be mandatory for all or some employees. In such situations, policies, procedures, and previously approved remote work arrangements may be modified.
This policy generally contemplates remote work within the province of Manitoba. Out-of-province or out-of-country work arrangements are rare, and in all cases, require the prior approval of management.
There are four (4) types of remote work covered under this Policy:
Each type of remote work requires the prior approval of management and is typically documented in a remote work agreement. Management decisions about remote work will be made in a fair and equitable manner. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis in accordance with this policy and the applicable procedures, but decisions are made at the sole discretion of management.
Remote work agreements will offer flexibility to employees where feasible and appropriate; however, changing needs and circumstances may call for modifications to or termination of the remote work agreement at the College’s sole discretion. Management has the authority to regularly review remote work arrangements and modify or terminate a remote work arrangement with appropriate notice as set out in the remote work procedures and/or the collective bargaining agreement or employment agreement.
Where the College is closed in accordance with the College’s Absences due to Adverse Weather Conditions Policy (H17), the procedures set out in that policy shall be followed. In the event of a campus closure, employees with the ability to work remotely will generally be expected to do so.
Remote work should not be used as a substitute for sick leave or other medical-related leaves. Where an employee is unable to work because of illness or injury (whether scheduled to work at a College worksite or remotely), the employee will follow the applicable procedures.
Employees working remotely shall not hold in-person meetings in their remote work location.
The College
Human Resource Services
Safety and Health Services
IT Solutions
The Legal and Compliance Department
This policy will be reviewed annually.
IT1— Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources
IT2— Security of Information Technology Resources
E1 — Safety
E10 — Use of Equipment for Personal Use
E11 — Reporting of Accidents and Serious Incidents
E12 — Work Alone or in Isolation
H17— Short-term Unforeseen Campus Closures (also being revised)
MGEU Collective Bargaining Agreement
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.