Originator: Director, Research & Planning
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: November 16, 2004
Replaces: New
The purpose of this policy is to promote and advance a high standard of integrity in research and scholarship. The RRC Polytech community has an important role to play in maintaining high standards of research integrity. Such integrity requires careful supervision of research, including that conducted by students; competent use of methods; adherence to ethical standards of discipline; and the refusal to engage in or to condone instances of fraud or misconduct.
This policy has been established to address any concerns about responsibility and accountability in research and scholarship. It outlines procedures for promoting integrity among researchers and scholars and for investigating allegations of misconduct in research and scholarship as directed by Tri-Council (Canadian Institutes of Health Research Council; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, NSERC; and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, SSHRC).
This policy applies to any employee of RRC Polytech, any student enrolled in RRC Polytech and/or partaking in research, or anyone else engaged in research in the institution in any capacity whatsoever.
RRC Polytech expects that its staff and students will carry out research and scholarly work maintaining the highest ethical and scientific standards of academic integrity. Academic dishonesty of any sort will not be condoned and may be cause for disciplinary action. The following definitions and guidelines are intended to provide direction in the establishment of practices for the maintenance of the integrity and quality of research.
In this document, the term “research” refers to both research and scholarship.
All researchers are responsible for conducting their research in strict observance of ethical standards. Factors intrinsic to the process of academic research such as, honest error, conflicting data or differences in interpretation or assessment of data, or of experimental design do not constitute fraud or misconduct.
Research and scholarly activities include:
Misconduct in scholarly research includes:
The retention of accurately recorded and retrievable results is of the utmost importance for the progress of scholarly inquiry. A researcher must have access to their original results in order to respond to questions regarding their research. Errors may be mistaken for misconduct when the primary experimental results are unavailable.
The College will promote the understanding of research ethics and integrity issues through distribution of the research policies and workshops for the college community.
The RRC Polytech Policy, Conflict of Interest in Research, outlines potential situations of conflict. Members of the college community are expected to conduct themselves at all times according to the highest ethical standards, in a manner which shall bear the closest scrutiny, and they are responsible for seeking guidance from the appropriate source before embarking on activities which might raise questions about conflict of interest.
This policy is applicable to all allegations of breach of the Integrity in Research and Scholarship Policy, including without limitations:
Complaint Procedure
In the case of students, sanctions may include verbal warning, special monitoring of work, letter of reprimand in the student’s official file, suspension, or expulsion.
A9 – Intellectual Property and Copyright
F9 – Conflict of Interest
H1 – Research Involving Human Subjects
Under Development:
Student Rights in the Conduct of Research
Animal Care and Research
Conflict of Commitment
Conflict of Interest in Research
RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.
We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.