Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

H3 – College Identification Cards

Originator: Dean, Student Services
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: March 15, 2005
Replaces: New


This policy outlines the system in place to authorize and distribute RRC Polytech photographic identification cards (ID Cards).


As a means of providing personal identification and as certification of eligibility for College services, each College employee and student is required to obtain one permanent ID Card. The College may also provide a photo ID card to Associate Groups and Community Members as defined below.

The ID Card is the property of RRC Polytech and must be returned to RRC Polytech upon request of the College. The cardholder will use all services provided by the ID Card in a responsible manner. The ID Card is non- transferrable.

The photographs taken in order to produce the ID Cards are digitized and stored within the guidelines of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. RRC Polytech retains these photographs for identification purposes only. Use of the photographs for other administrative purposes requires the signed permission of the individuals concerned.


“Associate Groups” include RRC Polytech Board of Governors; RRC Polytech Students’ Association Inc.; RRC Polytech Alumni; RRC Polytech Early Childhood Centre Inc.; RRC Polytech Heritage Group; Manitoba Government employees, Commissionaires and employees of other companies or organizations assigned to RRC Polytech; and other individuals or groups as designated by the College from time to time.

“Community Member” – any adult 18 years of age or older not otherwise affiliated with RRC Polytech and residing in the area of Manitoba served by the College is eligible to become a Community Member.

College Services” may include the use of the Library, access to facilities and computing services, entrance to social functions, health services, and use of campus recreation facilities, as determined by the College. Access to services may vary for groups within the Associate Group category.

Terms and Conditions

Card Eligibility and Services

ID Cards are required to access College services as determined by the College.

Students are required to obtain ID cards at the time of registration. Proof of registration establishes eligibility to obtain the ID Card.

RRC Polytech employees as defined in the Collective Agreement and employees under a separate Employment Agreement are required to have an ID Card. The term of employee ID Cards is for the duration of employment with RRC Polytech or at the expiry of each individual Employment Agreement.

Associate Groups
Associate Group members are eligible to receive an ID Card at the beginning of their employment, membership or appointment to the defined groups, or upon assignment to RRC Polytech. Upon termination of an individual’s association with a defined Associate Group, the individual will surrender their ID Card to RRC Polytech. All Associate Group ID Cards, with the exception of the Board of Governors and members of RRC Polytech Heritage Group, will be valid for one year from date of issue and must be reactivated on an annual basis.

Community Member
Community Members are subject to a fee and membership must be renewed on an annual basis. College Services for this designated group are limited to the use of College computers in the Libraries and borrowing privileges for library materials in print format.

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.