Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

H5 – Absenteeism Management

Originator: Vice President, Human Resources and Sustainability
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: October 13, 2015
Replaces: New

1. Preamble

RRC Polytech is committed to a workplace that values and depends on staff attendance. The College appreciates the effort put forward by staff and recognizes that each staff person contributes to the achievement of the College’s strategic priorities. The purpose of this policy is to address circumstances where there is a concern with absenteeism and to resolve those issues in a supportive manner.

2. Definitions

“Culpable Absenteeism” is an absence from work where the employee is at fault. Culpable absenteeism includes:

  • A pattern of lateness/leaving work early including break times without approval or suitable justification; or
  • Absence without approval or suitable justification.

“Individualized Absenteeism Management (IAM)” means a program developed in consultation between a manager, individual employee, Human Resource Services, Union (if applicable) and other appropriate parties in a concentrated effort to address concerns relating to absenteeism and to assist the employee in improving their attendance.

“Non-Culpable Absenteeism” also called “Innocent Absenteeism”, is an absence for which the employee is not at fault and may result from factors outside the direct control of the employee. This includes but is not limited to illness and disability. Such absences are never dealt with through a disciplinary response nor do they ever form part of the progressive discipline process or the disciplinary record. Efforts to reduce these absences are dealt with through General Absenteeism Management and/or an IAM.

“General Attendance Management” are strategies and efforts which encourage and support regular attendance. These strategies and efforts reflect good management practices that can be used for all staff, regardless of school, department or area.

“Manager” refers to the individual responsible for managing employees within a particular department or academic program at the College. A Manager may include: the Chair, a Dean/Director, Supervisor or Manager.

3. Policy


It is the responsibility of all employees to adhere to their scheduled hours of work, including break times, and to attend work as scheduled.


It is a Manager’s responsibility to ensure the employees under their supervision are aware of attendance expectations and to work with employees to address Absenteeism concerns as they arise.


When appropriate, it is the Manager’s responsibility to implement and apply an Individual Absenteeism Management (IAM) program.


For employees experiencing Absenteeism issues, it is the employee’s responsibility to fully cooperate in efforts and measures implemented to improve their attendance including an IAM.


An IAM is not disciplinary and shall:

  1. Provide clear expectations regarding attendance.
  2. Provide a supportive, proactive and holistic approach to managing Absenteeism.
  3. Be administered in a fair and consistent manner considering both operational needs and the circumstances of the individual employee.
  4. Provide guidelines and procedures for identifying, documenting, and resolving Absenteeism concerns as well as roles and responsibilities of all of the respective parties.
  5. Identify resources available to the employee to assist in overcoming difficulties that may be adversely affecting regular attendance.

4. Procedures


General Attendance Management procedures are available from Human Resource Services.


Questions or advice regarding Absenteeism Management should be directed to Human Resource Services in a timely manner.

5. Application


Non-Culpable Absenteeism is never dealt with through a disciplinary response. Efforts to reduce these absences are dealt with through General Attendance Management and /or an IAM.


In cases of prolonged excessive absenteeism from work, it may be necessary to terminate the employment relationship.


A Culpable Absenteeism is dealt with through a disciplinary response. It does not form part of the Absenteeism Management process nor does it form part of IAM.

Related Documents

Collective Agreement between RRC Polytech and the Manitoba Government Employee’s Union,
Absenteeism Management – Manager’s Absenteeism Guide, Absenteeism Management – Employees Guide

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