Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

G4 – Recordings

Originator: Corporate Counsel
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: February 11, 2014
Replaces: New

1. Preamble

RRC Polytech is a place of learning that values both open communication and respect. In order to foster the foregoing values, the College has established guidelines where there is a requirement to gain the consent of an individual before they may be recorded.

2. Policy

Subject to the exceptions listed below, the College, its Employees and its Students shall not create a recording of any other Employee or Student without their consent.

3. Definitions

“Employee” means anyone employed by the College.

“Recording” shall mean any video or audio replication recorded on devices, including, but not limited to audio recorders, video recorders, cellular phones, digital cameras, MP3 Players, computers and other devices that record images or sound.

“Student” refers to any individual:

  1. seeking to apply to study at RRC Polytech;
  2. who is a current student at RRC Polytech; or
  3. who has previously been a student at RRC Polytech.

“Law Enforcement Purpose” means any action taken for the purpose of enforcing an enactment, including:

  1. policing,
  2. investigations or inspections that lead or could lead to a penalty or sanction being imposed, or that are otherwise conducted for the purpose of enforcing an enactment, and
  3. proceedings that lead or could lead to a penalty or sanction being imposed, or that are otherwise conducted for the purpose of enforcing an enactment.

4. Consent and Exceptions

No Employee or Student shall create a Recording or arrange the creation of a Recording without first obtaining the express written consent of the non-recording party or parties.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Recordings may be made without consent in the following circumstances:

  1. By the College for Law Enforcement Purposes;
  2. By the College, at any administrative proceeding to which the College is a party or arbiter;
  3. By the College to capture College learning activities for the purposes of retransmission for educational and promotional purposes, but only where such retransmission does not retransmit information that is of a sensitive nature;
  4. By Students to capture College learning activities where the program handbook or course outline specifically authorizes the Recording, and such Recording shall be for personal study and shall not be retransmitted in any way shape in form, including, without limitation, on the internet or any other like medium;
  5. By Employees to capture College learning activities where the program handbook or course outline specifically authorizes the Recording, and such Recording shall be to aid the administration and delivery of the Course and shall not be retransmitted in any way shape in form, including, without limitation, on the internet or any other like medium;
  6. By the College, Employees or Students to the extent that an accommodation has been approved by Counseling and Accessibility Services;
  7. By the College, Employees and Students where required by law;
  8. In any other circumstance where prior written approval has been received from the Corporate Counsel.

For greater certainty, where a guest lecturer who is not an employee of the College is present, no one may record the guest lecturer without first obtaining the expressed consent of the guest lecturer.

In addition, Students will not be prevented from disseminating their own intellectual property which they produced over the course of their studies, unless otherwise stated in an applicable program handbook, course outline, or assignment instructions.

5. Enforcement

Any Employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Any Student who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with College policy.

Related Policies and Legislation

MGEU Collective Agreement

S1 – Student Code of Rights & Responsibilities
A10 – Intellectual Property and Copyright

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We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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