Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

E10 – Personal Use of College Equipment

Originator: Vice President – Finance and Administration
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: September 15, 2009
Replaces: M4 – Use of College Equipment and Property

1. Preamble

The primary function of RRC Polytech Equipment is to facilitate academic training, and student success. The College recognizes that there are risks inherent with the use of Equipment. However, it is the combined responsibility of the College, Senior Officers, Supervisors, and Employees to ensure safe operation of Equipment at all times.

The College Statement of Values emphasizes the importance of a healthy environment. “We believe in promoting…a safe and sustainable learning (and working) environment.”

The College will not allow or condone “any practice, activity, decision or organizational circumstance that is either imprudent, illegal, in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics, not in keeping with the College’s statement of values, or in contravention of applicable laws” 1.

All work performed by College Employees arising out of the course of their employment is governed by the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act 2 and Regulations.

2. Policy

Equipment will be used primarily for the education and training of students, and by Employees in the course of their employment. Personal Use of Equipment by Employees may be permitted as regulated by this policy. Students are not authorized to use Equipment for Personal Use. Conditions for Personal Use will meet the standards set by the Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act and Regulations.

3. Definitions


Employee – As defined in the Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union Collective Agreement. This term also includes excluded employees.


Equipment – College owned non consumable material. Equipment includes, but is not limited to: hand tools, power tools (electric, battery-powered, or powered by compressed gas), fixed equipment in labs and shops, and machinery. The use of items not typically associated with workplace accidents is not regulated by this policy. These items include, but are not limited to, mobile devices, audio visual resources, or laptop computers.


Personal Use – Use of Equipment for the immediate, personal benefit of the employee. Personal Use may involve the temporary borrowing of Equipment that is removed from College property, or it may involve use of Equipment on College property. Personal Use will be infrequent, of short duration, will not pose a significant risk of physical injury, will not pose a significant risk of damage to the Equipment, and will not negatively impact employee productivity or the academic environment. Personal Use will not produce profit for the employee, either directly or indirectly.


Senior Officer – The Vice President, or Associate Vice President to whom a Director reports.


Director – The Dean of the School, Director of the Department, or their designate to whom a Supervisor reports.


Supervisor – An individual appointed by a Director, the Supervisor will normally be the Chair of the Program, the Manager of the Department, or a designate, who is responsible for the Equipment that is the subject of the request for Personal Use and who is qualified to review and assess the request.

4. Procedures

For Personal Use of Equipment


Employees must complete, in its entirety, a Request for Personal Use of Equipment Form (the “Form”). The Form is attached as Appendix A to this policy.


Employees must submit the Form to the Supervisor in advance of Personal Use of the Equipment.


Supervisors will review, and assess the request. Their assessment should include:

  1. Determination and confirmation that the Employee making a request has the qualifications, and experience with the Equipment in question to use it safely. An Employee must possess the required training and certification    needed to use the Equipment;
  2. Consideration to the appropriate personal protective equipment, potential hazards, and safe work procedures specific to the kind of Equipment being used;
  3. Determination if the Employee will be making Personal Use of Equipment alone or in isolation, and if working alone is safe and appropriate in the context of the request;
  4. Determination that the request for Personal Use is appropriate based on the description of the type of work, duration, and kind of Equipment; and
  5. Approval of emergency procedure plan.


A Supervisor may approve, revise, or deny the request for Personal Use.


The Employee and the Supervisor will both sign and date the Form.


Once the Form has been approved and signed, an Employee may not alter their plan for Personal Use of Equipment. They may not perform additional work or use different Equipment than what was included on the Form.


The Form will be completed, and approved prior to each event of Personal Use.


An employee will make, and keep, a photocopy of the completed Form for their personal records.


The original Form will be kept by the office of the Supervisor for one calendar year.

5. Responsibilities


A Senior Officer has the responsibility to:

  1. Monitor that Directors are fulfilling their responsibilities under this policy; and
  2. Assist a Director to enforce disciplinary action in the event a Supervisor or Employee does not comply with their responsibilities under this policy.


A Director has the responsibility to:

  1. Ensure a Supervisor has the necessary training to make a reasonable assessment of a request for Personal Use of Equipment;
  2. Monitor that Supervisors are fulfilling their responsibilities under this policy; and
  3. Assist a Supervisor to enforce disciplinary action in the event an Employee does not comply with their responsibilities under this policy.


A Supervisor has the responsibility to:

  1. Inform Employees of this policy and its accompanying procedures;
  2. Use reasonable care when reviewing, assessing, and approving requests by Employees for Personal Use of Equipment;
  3. Determine if the request for Personal Use of Equipment is appropriate based on the individual and the Equipment in question;
  4. Determine if the Employee will be making Personal Use of Equipment alone or in isolation, refer an Employee to all policies and procedures regarding working alone or in isolation, and decide if working alone is safe and appropriate in the context of the request;
  5. Identify Personal Use and Equipment that may not, under any circumstances, be used when working alone or in isolation; and
  6. Initiate progressive disciplinary measures if an Employee makes Personal Use of Equipment without receiving prior approval, uses Equipment in an unsafe manner, and/or uses Equipment for which they do not possess the necessary skills or certification.


An Employee has the responsibility to:

  1. Follow the procedures outlined in this policy prior to any Personal Use of Equipment;
  2. Use Equipment in a reasonable and safe manner that does not cause damage or injury, in accordance with RRC Polytech’s written safe work procedures;
  3. Immediately report any injuries that result because of Personal Use of Equipment;
  4. Immediately report any malfunction, damage, or defect in the Equipment noticed during use; and
  5. Ensure that all consumable supplies, used in the course of Personal Use of Equipment have been purchased by the Employee. The Employee must provide proof of purchase of consumable supplies.


The Office of Environmental Health and Safety Services has the responsibility to:

  1. Create a standard, corporate criteria for the approval of Personal Use of Equipment to ensure consistent approval methods in all divisions; and
  2. Distribute the criteria for approval of Personal Use of Equipment to all Supervisors.

Related Policies and Legislation

Manitoba Workplace Safety and Health Act C.C.S.M. c. W210 and Regulations
Manitoba Labour and Immigration Workplace Safety and Health Code of Practice for Workers Working Alone or in Isolation
Manitoba Government and General Employees’ Union Collective Agreement

2.0 Global Executive Limitation – Executive Limitation Board of Governors Policy Manual

E1 – Safety
E6 – Hazardous Waste Management
E7 – Personal Protective Equipment
E8 – Hearing Conservation and Noise Control
E11 – Reporting of Accidents and Serious Incidents
U1 – Use of College Facilities


1 RRC Polytech Board of Governors Policy
2 C.C.S.M. c. W210

Appendix A

Authorization for Personal Use of College Equipment

RRC Polytech campuses are located on the lands of Anishinaabe, Ininiwak, Anishininew, Dakota, and Dené, and the National Homeland of the Red River Métis.

We recognize and honour Treaty 3 Territory Shoal Lake 40 First Nation, the source of Winnipeg’s clean drinking water. In addition, we acknowledge Treaty Territories which provide us with access to electricity we use in both our personal and professional lives.

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