Corporate Legal

Policies and Corporate Legal

U4 – Alcohol on College Premises

Originator: Vice-President, Administrative Affairs Dean, Student Services
Approver: President’s Council
Effective: May 31, 2001
Replaces: April, 1996


RRC Polytech recognizes the importance of responsible liquor service in today’s society, and the liability issues related to irresponsible alcohol service. The purpose of this policy is to inform College staff and clients of the following guidelines that have been developed for the safety of students, staff and the community. The policy also stresses the importance of adherence to The Liquor Control Act, and the Manitoba Liquor Control Commission (MLCC) regulations during any College function at which alcohol is served. The College shall meet the policy’s objectives by maintaining and enforcing the College guidelines related to the serving and consumption of alcohol; and requiring that events and facilities at which alcohol is served on College property be managed effectively, and in accordance with College guidelines and MLCC regulations. (Should amendments be made to The Liquor Control Act, MLCC regulations, or referenced College Policies, the new amendments shall apply to this policy.)

1. Policy

  • Consumption of alcohol in the workplace or anywhere on campus, except during functions specifically authorized by the College in accordance with The Liquor Control Act, is prohibited. The consumption of alcohol during authorized events shall conform to this policy and the stipulations of the license or Occasional Permit.
  • It is the responsibility of all employees and students to be aware of and abide by this policy.
  • Employees and students found to be in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.
  • Instructors and staff have the responsibility and authority to deny access to class to any student whom they have reason to believe has consumed alcohol.
  • Management has the authority to deny access to the College to any individual whom they have reason to believe are under the influence of alcohol.
  • Outside organizations and third parties are subject to the provisions of this policy.

2. Procedural Guidelines

General Statement

These guidelines may be amended from time to time as necessary. Strict adherence to The Liquor Control Act and all MLCC regulations are required at all functions and events at which alcohol is served on College premises. (A copy of current MLCC regulations may be obtained from Administrative Affairs.)

General Provisions

Organizers of functions at which alcohol is served must encourage and promote alcohol moderation and provide food and non-alcoholic beverages.

Gambling or games of chance are not permitted unless licensed by Manitoba Lotteries. Prizes at authorized events may not include any type of alcoholic beverage.

As per Policy E1 Request for Facilities Form, the organizer of events and/or the group they represent shall be held responsible for any damage to College assets or property that occurs during, or as a result of the event.

3. Planning an Event Guidelines

Provisions for Dining Room License

The following locations are currently licensed under a Dining Room License:

  • Voyaguer Dining Room: Typically used as a cafeteria, but will accommodate up to 385 people for full service events.
  • Prairie Lights Dining Room: Primarily a student training lab for the Hospitality Department. This location is open to the public as a formal dining room for lunch or dinner at various times throughout the year. When not in use by students, this facility may be booked for 40 – 100 guests for full banquet service under the authority of the Manager of Food Services.
  • Red River Salon: This is a small Dining Room, which may be booked for full service meals for Groups of 15 to 35.

Minors are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages only when in the presence of a parent or legal guardian and when a meal is consumed in areas designated by the Dining Room License.

Arrangements may be made to extend the Dining Room License to other appropriate areas on a temporary basis with the approval by the Vice-President of Administrative Affairs or a designate, and the written approval of the MLCC. All of the regulations that apply to the existing dining room license apply to the temporary area.

Security requirements will be assessed and arranged with the assistance of the Manager of Security or designate and shall be at the expense of the event organizer.

Booking of a Facility for an Event

A Use of Facility Form must be completed when booking any College facility as per the Use of College Facilities Policy (E1) and forwarded to the appropriate College staff as noted in the Occasional Permits section below. This form shall then be forwarded to the Facilities Department and is subject to the approval of the Director of Facilities or designate.

The College reserves the right to request proof of appropriate insurance coverage of third parties.

Occasional Permits

Permission to obtain an occasional liquor permit from the MLCC must be submitted in writing in conjunction with the Use of Facilities Form to the Director of Auxiliary Services for staff and external organization events, or by the Dean of Student Services for SA events. The submission must be received by the College at least 15 working days prior to an event.

The actual number of guests expected at an event will be used for the Occasional Permit as opposed to the maximum occupancy of the room where the event is being held.

In addition to the licensed areas noted in this Policy, occasional permits may be requested for the South Gym, the Cave and the Centre Court Yard for functions.

As the ‘hall owner’ the College (through either the Dean of Student Services or the Director of Auxiliary Services) must appoint a representative to be in attendance at all events on campus at which alcohol is being served under an Occasional Permit. This representative shall identify themself to the event organizer at the beginning of the function.

Start and End Times of Events

Any event involving alcoholic beverage service shall not disrupt regular College operations or begin before 3:00 p.m. (Some exceptions apply – see Section 5. Students’ Association – Special Events.) Start and end times for events are subject to the approval of the Dean of Student Services or the Director of Auxiliary Services.

Access and Service

Event staff must be stationed at entrances to an event to check identification, take tickets and deny access to visibly intoxicated persons. Signs are required at the entrance to the event that stipulate proof of age requirements, service rules, behaviour expectations and notice of a Designated Driver Program.

Consecutively numbered tickets are required to control admissions. These tickets must have notices on the back that indicate the servers’ right to refuse service of alcohol to a patron, as well as a notice that alcohol will not be served past a specific time. ‘Last call’ cannot be announced.

A mechanism for monitoring attendance is required such as wristbands or stamps.

Self-serve bars are strictly prohibited.

The price of alcoholic beverages shall not be below the minimum as regulated by the MLCC (currently $2.25 per drink).

A maximum of four liquor or four beer tickets can be sold to any customer at one time.

A customer will be served a maximum of two drinks of liquor or beer at any one time.

Hard liquor will be served at a maximum of one ounce of liquor per cup. All alcoholic beverages must be poured into an appropriate plastic cup. Beer cannot be served in bottles and all glass must be managed with care to avoid breakage.

Attendance at functions on Occasional Permit will be restricted to persons 18 years of age and over.

Staff Training

Responsible alcohol service is imperative and the event organizer is expected to encourage and promote responsible liquor consumption. Organizers of events shall ensure that each server can provide evidence of formal training that is sanctioned by the MLCC. Servers will have read and understood this Policy. The event organizer will ensure that a review of guideline requirements for serving personnel shall be conducted prior to events.

Prior to any event at which alcohol will be served, organizers of functions will have a process or procedure in place for dealing with and assisting an intoxicated person to ensure their safety and the safety of others.

Staff or volunteers may not under any circumstances, consume alcohol before or during or after the event while on College property.

Food Requirements

Food and non-alcoholic beverages must be available at all events where alcohol is being served. The type of food that is available must include protein (i.e. cold cuts, cheese, bread) rather than salted snacks only.

Advertising Guidelines

In addition to the MLCC directives on advertising alcohol related events, the following general guidelines are in effect:

  • Advertising cannot promote over-consumption or abuse of alcohol, drunkenness, drinking contests, the portrayal of alcohol as a solution to personal or academic problems or as necessary to success. Event advertisements shall not feature alcohol or alcoholic beverage prices as the prominent element or mention the offering of free alcohol. Alcohol drinking contests of any kind are illegal and will not be allowed at any time on College property.
  • The name of the event used in any advertising must correspond to the name on the Occasional Permit. Reference to alcohol is not permitted, unless specific MLCC approval is granted.
  • Advertising and promotion of events are to be conducted in a manner that is consistent with the Colleges’ Harassment Policy (A11) and the goal of achieving a respectful environment.
  • All types of advertising for SA sponsored campus events requires the approval of the Dean of Student Services. Advertising for all other events at which alcohol is being served requires the approval of the Director of Auxiliary Services.
  • Advertising that does not conform to College guidelines will be removed.


Security is required for every event and shall be provided by an independent bonded security company approved by the College. Event security is responsible for the event itself (within a College building) and for the adjacent outside areas of the event location. Uniformed guards at one per one hundred guests allowed on the Occasional Permit are required with a minimum of two security personnel. (It is the College’s preference to have at least one female security.) There shall be one professional security officer to act as Chief Security Officer who will have supervisory responsibilities for the security personnel at events.

For SA sponsored events, additional security personnel may be RRC Polytech students, hired by the SA and trained by the Chief Security Officer or the contracted security company.

The full complement of Security staff is to remain on-site until the College premises have been cleared of all event participants.

Security personnel shall at no time consume alcohol before, during or after the event while still on College property.

The College’s security personnel have the ultimate authority for the College and can take action or stop an event if the safety or security of students, employees or College property is jeopardized.

4. Additional Responsibilities of Event Organizer

Responsible Alcoholic Beverage Service

Event organizers are responsible for denying entry to an event to persons who appear to be intoxicated.

Signs are to be posted near the alcohol service area that indicates servers shall refuse service to event participants who appear to be intoxicated or are otherwise at risk.

Alcoholic beverages are not to be removed from the facility or taken to any unlicensed area during or after events.

No alcoholic beverages other than that purchased under the authority of the license or permit shall be had, kept or consumed at the event.

Alcohol may be served only during the hours specified on the permit. All alcohol must be removed from event tables 30 minutes after the specified end time.

A Designated Driver Program must be in place for every event at which alcohol is served.

The event organizer must have a contingency plan for dealing with emergency situations and/or terminating an event prior to the scheduled end time if necessary.

Facility Requirements

The facility where an event is held, including grounds, washrooms and hallways must be cleaned by 7:00 a.m. on the day following the event or at the direction of the Director of Facilities.

College authorities will inspect the facility on the next business day after the event and assess whether there is any damage.

5. Students’ Association – Special Events

During various times throughout the academic year, subject to the approval of the Dean of Student Services, the SA may schedule special events where alcohol is served earlier than 3:00 p.m. (i.e.: the first week of September – event(s) may begin at 2:00 p.m. and the week of Meltdown – event(s) may begin at 12:00 p.m.)

6. Enforcement of Policy

Any violation of this policy, or the Occasional Permit regulations, can result in the immediate vacating of the facility during the event, and may result in the suspension of future events. Any fees submitted by the event organizer shall not be returned.

The College shall investigate and review alcohol-related problems occurring at on-campus functions.

All events are subject to inspection by College Security and/or management and inspectors of the MLCC.

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