Accessing Supports During Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), observed each April, is an international campaign dedicated to raising awareness about sexual violence, promoting education and the prevention of sexual violence, and highlighting supports and resources available to those affected by sexual violence.

SAAM is a critical opportunity to not only demonstrate the College’s unwavering support and solidarity with survivors and those who are otherwise impacted by sexual violence, but to be agents of change in creating a campus culture that fosters healthy relationships and puts consent into practice. In marking SAAM, the College encourages all students to take the Respectful College Training to become leaders of change.

Helpful resources which highlight the College’s commitment to safe and supportive learning and working environments for all members of the College community can be found in the College’s Library Guide on Sexual Violence Awareness, Education, Prevention and Supports.  The Guide includes links to resources on a range of related topics such as campus sexual violence, building a culture of consent, understanding trauma and trauma-informed practice, self-care, healing and recovery, male survivors, and BIPOC perspectives surrounding sexual violence.

The College recognizes that while SAAM is empowering, it can also be difficult and emotionally draining. Here are some ways that you can prioritize your health and wellbeing this month and every day of the year:

The College is committed to a safe and inclusive working and learning environment for its staff and students, free from all forms of sexual violence in all College spaces (including online spaces).  It is a shared responsibility of all members of the College community to encourage and foster such safe and inclusive spaces.

If you have experienced sexual violence, know that you are not to blame and that you are not alone — you have the option of sharing your experience and accessing help through both internal and external resources.  There are supports available to you through the College, including:

The College’s Resource and Resolution Advisor Christine Jeroski who is available to discuss with you your options for reporting a concern of sexual violence, discrimination, or harassment to the College if another member of the College community was involved.

  • The College’s No Wrong Door microsite includes information about College policies and procedures on reporting and responding to allegations of sexual violence and includes additional information about supports.
  • RRC Counselling Services are available to all students.
  • The REES (Respect Educate Empower Survivors) online reporting tool allows survivors to make a report of sexual violence to the College, the police, or anonymously using a secure online reporting form.

If you are in crisis and need to speak with a counsellor immediately, please contact Klinic’s 24-hour crisis line at:  1-888-322-3019, or Sexual Assault Crisis Line:  1-888-292-7565

In the case of an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your nearest emergency room.