Important Resources from the CRA Tax Information Session

Thank you for attending the CRA Tax Information Session. I hope you found it informative and were able to get some new information out of it!

Below are the important links and resources that can be useful when doing your taxes.

Tax-related benefits, credits, deductions and support –

Find information on tax-related benefits, credits, deductions and support. You can also a link on this landing page for “Benefits, credits, and taxes for newcomers” which goes over and links much of the information and forms I’ve talked about.

Outreach materials to print and share –

You will find different videos, infographics, and factsheets here.

Learn about your taxes –

Online learning tool to help you learn about taxes and empower you to do your taxes on your own.

Be Scam Smart –

Our landing page for scam awareness at the CRA. There you’ll find information on scams we’re seeing, videos, and information on what to do if you were a victim of a scam.