Writing Supports for Students

We’re here to support all RRC Polytech students with their writing needs! Individual tutoring can help you improve your clarity, conciseness, organization, and confidence.

Students are encouraged to come to the Writing Centre at any stage in their writing and academic journeys. Writing Centre staff can work with students from any program on any piece of writing or work to enhance their general writing skills. Writing Centre supports are free to all current students in academic programs.

We have two writing tutoring options available:

  1. Online Writing Tutoring: You can book up to two 30-minute online or in-person tutoring appointments with a staff writing tutor per week. Click here for instructions on how to book.
  2. Writing Support via Email: Email support can help in many of the same ways as in-person tutoring while accommodating your busy schedule! Click here to submit your writing for review.

Please be aware that while we can help you with developing strategies to edit and revise your writing, we are NOT a proofreading service. 

For more information about our writing supports and resources, please visit our Writing Centre page.

Questions? Please email writing@rrc.ca.