Truth and Reconciliation Week – September 26-29

All RRC Polytech students and staff are invited to participate in our 4th annual Truth and Reconciliation Week, September 26-29, 2022.


Through a mix of in-person and virtual events offered by departments from across the College, immerse yourself in Indigenous teachings, story-telling and experiences to evolve your understanding of history and current issues impacting Indigenous people, reconciliation efforts and society as a whole. Help spark a conversation around Truth and Reconciliation and contribute to understanding, healing and stronger relationships. Use the link provided to see the full schedule, detailed event descriptions, and register for events to guide your journey of Truth and Reconciliation.


Truth and Reconciliation Week 2022 : Red River College Polytechnic: Indigenous Education (


Additionally, this upcoming Friday, September 30th, marks the National Day for Truth and Reconcilation. The day honours the children who never returned home and Survivors of residential school, as well as their families and communities. Your learning through the Truth and Reconciliation week events will further advance your understanding of the importance of this national holiday and inspire all to take action.