Meet your 2019-20 Diversity Ambassadors!

Each year three immigrant and international students are selected to be Diversity Ambassadors. Their mission is to promote diversity on campus, provide peer support and share experiences, and assist Red River College programs and services to organize events and activities.

It’s our pleasure to introduce the Ambassadors for this academic year:

Royaldeep Singh

Hello! I’m Royaldeep from India and I’m studying Business Technology Management at the Exchange District Campus. I am an easygoing guy with a keen interest in soccer. Canada has helped me explore many opportunities for future growth and success. I hope we will attain our goal in helping every international student express their experience and perspectives without any hindrance. With the help of the Diversity Ambassadors Team, let’s make this country more diverse and forthcoming for the coming new generations.

Mariane Veiga

Hello, everyone. I’m Mariane from Brazil. I’m currently studying Business Technology Management at the Exchange District Campus.
Since I was a child, I’ve moved a lot, which led me to like travelling and getting to know new places and cultures. This has shaped my personal and professional life as I’m always involved in these types of activities. I’ve had some interesting international experiences, such as working on a market study with Brazilian and Canadian members and hosting German students for study abroad programs in Brazil. I’ve also just started running – ask me how this is going! This year I’m planning on hosting activities that will bring together not only the international students, but the whole RRC community.

Linh Le

Hello, everyone! My name is Linh Le, I’m from Vietnam, and I’m currently majoring in Business Administration at NDC. As an international student who has been studying and living in Winnipeg for more than three years, I understand the challenges of studying abroad, as well as the opportunities it brings. Being one of the Diversity Ambassadors this year is such a great pleasure for me. Together, we will create an interesting, supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels confident to learn and socialize. I look forward to talking with you and helping out to the best of my abilities. Please reach out to say hi or ask any questions. Let’s have a great school year together!

Connect with the Diversity Ambassadors: 204.632.3847 |